View Full Version : Please read - Off to docs this afternoon and I'm so so scared of the outcome

01-09-15, 12:49
I just know it is going to be something awful when I go to docs. All of the symptoms and pains are still there, periody pains in lower tummy, sciatica pains, back niggles, bloatedness, all point to female related illness, I'm just terrified and so very worried, I can't function properly. I am meant to be going on holiday on Sunday and just know I won't be able to go. Please, anyone with some reassurance would be helpful, I'm stressing and very upset about it and really really scared.

---------- Post added at 12:49 ---------- Previous post was at 12:10 ----------

No one available for some reassurance or simple support? Please?

01-09-15, 12:58
Big hugs xxxx

You are doing the right thing going to see your GP. I know it's not easy but try not to worry. I have had many pains low down, in my lower back, legs... I have IBS confirmed after other tests and scans.

If you are up to date with your smears that is good. They may send you for an ultrasound to be sure. They had to with me before they could diagnose IBS.

Anxiety makes us think the worst possible outcome. I had serious health anxiety many years ago and it made me ill with worry. I am not saying you have health anxiety, but anxiety does make us jump to the worst case. Try to think of it as 'I am going to my GP, for now this is all I can do'. If you feel your mind trying to run away with you just say yes maybe all these awful things could be wrong with me but for now all I can do is see my GP. Don't try to reassure yourself or scare yourself, but take the sting out of the anxiety abit by saying yes anxiety something could be wrong but worrying about it won't change anything, what I can control is seeing my GP and that is what I am going to do.

I am sure you will come away from the appointment feeling relief, I have panicked so many times that I be diagnosed with something terrible and it's been fine and the relief I have felt afterwards is lovely.

I hope it goes well, let us know.


01-09-15, 13:05
Thank you so much Bonnibelle, that helps and I know you are right. I do have health anxiety, had several scares that have been nothing serious. I also have IBS but this is a different kind of pain. Can the pains change with IBS do you know? I just have myself convinced that it is bad, I felt a bit better last night but the pain had calmed down and I had taken half a diazepam as I'm 'allowed' to if anxiety gets too bad. I seem to cope better when the pain is lower and I really don't mind if I have something treatable wrong with me, just so scared and actually terrified it's that horrible thing.

01-09-15, 13:08
Good luck CeeCeeCee your'll feel so much better when you've seen your G.P it's sounds very much like I.B.S I have I.B.S and get lots of strange aches and pains.Fingers crossed let us know how you get on x

01-09-15, 13:16
Yes my IBS can be so painful, really painful at times and it moves around.

I know it's hard but you are doing all you can seeing your GP.

Bon xx

01-09-15, 13:29
Thank you Simi, I hope it is IBS, or anything 'normal' that can be gotten over easily. I know I am catasrophising about it but then I think, just because I have HA doesn't mean I cant have something wrong with me. Do you get crampy period type pains too?

---------- Post added at 13:29 ---------- Previous post was at 13:26 ----------

Yes, Bon, 'I am going to my GP, for now this is all I can do' is a good way to think, and even the worst case scenario would have to be got through I suppose, just not good at dealing with health issues that could be bad news. I appreciate your help, both of you, it is calming , thank you :-)

01-09-15, 14:14
How did it go CCC?

01-09-15, 17:44
Hi Sial, he asked me a lot about the pain, it's difficult to describe though, he also examined my tummy, said he could feel nothing. He said he thought it was more bowel related than female issue, he knows I have IBS. He has given me Buscopan as he said it might help with spasm pains. Also, changed my Fluoxitene for Setraline as they are apparently more for anxiety, I haven't been on them before so I'm hoping for an improvement. I still of course, have the HA, feel he might not have investigated thoroughly enough, but he did say to go on holiday and come back afterwards and we'll have a chat if no better. What should I make of that? xx

01-09-15, 17:55
Hi. It means that your doc is n't worrying that there is anything wrong with you that requires urgent tests. He's probably hoping that the holiday will relax you and show you that your symptoms reduce as your anxiety decreases with the distraction of being away. Have a great time!

01-09-15, 18:03
Thank you 23tana, yes, that is most certainly what he meant, I asked him out right if he wasn't worried and he said nothing rang alarm bells. He said he didn't have Xray eyes but nothing sprang out at him. I'm hoping the new tablets will also help reduce anxiety about it all :-)

01-09-15, 21:30
All sounds good relax and have a great holiday x