View Full Version : Sensitive to sound and repeating what's been said in your head. HELP!

01-09-15, 14:30
I can't cope anymore. I refuse to live like this if this is to continue. Am I nuts? I feel normal. Don't have hallucinations don't hear voices. I can't even watch the tele because my ears are sensitive to the sound. Also my heads try's to say what they saying like at the same time. Almost as if it knows what there going to say. Am I making sense? It's me doing it and my own voice. Wtf? Iv never had anything like this. I don't do drugs, don't drink. My heads banging all the time because of the stress I'm putting myself threw because of this. It's making me feel nuts and like it will never go. I keep going in my bedroom because it's quiet. Someone please tell me they have had this or wtf it is? Xxx

---------- Post added at 14:30 ---------- Previous post was at 14:23 ----------

I forget to mention I have earache aswel x

01-09-15, 15:16
How did this start?

01-09-15, 16:27
What do you mean how did it start? About 12 weeks ago I was really stressed and suffering with ear psin and dizziness. I was told I have labrinitis. Then I had a brain scan. All clear. I started having really bad brain chatter, just chatting to myself all the time. Then I was constantly singing to myself. And now this. My ears are hurting and I don't no if it's related to tht. Xx

---------- Post added at 15:22 ---------- Previous post was at 15:21 ----------

It's almost as if to much is going on and my brain can't handle it if that makes sense? And it's like my heads buzzing. Not actually a buzzing noise just the way of describing the feeling x

---------- Post added at 15:48 ---------- Previous post was at 15:22 ----------

Why did u ask tht Adam? X

---------- Post added at 16:27 ---------- Previous post was at 15:48 ----------

Anyone ��

01-09-15, 16:37

I was curious. I think you are over thinking it and obsessing about it. I know when I am anxious, sick from a virus, tired, angry, etc. songs get stuck in my head. The worse I feel the worse the song. I recently had a stomach virus and all night, during which I weathered a pretty bad fever, Taylor Swift's "bad Blood" was on loop. It was hell

01-09-15, 16:57
Thanks Adam. It's driving me nuts. I can't cope with it.. I keep going upstairs out the way where it's quiet so I don't do it xx

---------- Post added at 16:57 ---------- Previous post was at 16:50 ----------

Feels like my heads going to explode and sooooo fed up of repeating things. It's crazy as if my brain knows what someone's going to say and I'm saying it with them. I can handle the singing. But that? It's another level and frightening the hell out of me ��

01-12-15, 08:34
Hi! I've recently started suffering with the same thing - I thought it could only be me! Have you found out any more about it and is there any cure??

01-12-15, 09:33

This book is quite literally a life-saver if you have a disposition to being wired and highly sensitive to external stimuli.