View Full Version : has anyone gotten allergy tested?

01-09-15, 15:28
i am going for this on thurs and am wondering what they do during the testing and how they help you if they find an allergy

01-09-15, 15:35
Back in the day it was scratches and needles. I don't think it's changed much. They scratch your skin and put the allergen on it to see if it reacts. Sometimes a needle is used to inject a small amount of the allergen under the skin. They label them and take notes as to the reactions.

Positive thoughts

01-09-15, 18:56
I think Fishmanpa is correct, I remember it being scratches and needles mainly around 10 years ago and I think that is still very much the case now. Don't change it if it is working I guess.


01-09-15, 19:04
I was tested 30 years ago and I don't think its changed. They pin prick your inner lower arm and then apply allergens and then wait and see what happens. Back when I had it it was done in a clnic but now has to be done in hospital with resus facilities in case someone goes into anaphylactic shock. I had about 10 drops put into my arm from grass to animal hair to house dust mite.
I reacted spectacularly to animal hair ( and human hair) and house dust mite.
I was offered the therapy where they give you injections in minute doses of your allergen but refused and I don't think they do this anymore because of the dangers.

As for what is done about results, I was told to avoid both! I am skin allergic to all hair plus any products like lanolin that comes from wool. Not much anyone can do about house dust mite allergy.

01-09-15, 21:57
Yep, as above, I had them done not long ago. Not painful or anything x