View Full Version : Tongue Worry.

01-09-15, 16:56

Today I've noticed I've got a red patch on my tongue, and after Mr Google, I'm starting to worry abit! Obviously after my search, the symptoms points to tongue cancer. I'm having a mini panic, and just wondered if you think this is something to worry about? (Picture attached)

Many Thanks

01-09-15, 17:06
No one can even begin to guess from a photo. If you're concerned, consult your GP.

Positive thoughts

01-09-15, 17:12
Looks like something I get frequently: geographic tongue. Benign.

01-09-15, 20:40
Had the above ( same as pic ) loads of times it just went after a week never gave it a thought in them days .

See your GP as Fishmanpa has said but it will be nothing and your mind will be put at rest