View Full Version : Anxiety and Depression roller coaster

01-09-15, 17:57
Hey guys, I've posted a couple threads on here and have gotten some good advice. I have another issue that is troubling me. I think my main issue is GAD, second to that it would be OCD with intrusive thoughts and depression because of the first two.

I seem to keep switching from feeling anxious throughout the day to feeling sad and suddenly wanting to cry. I think the main thing that makes me sad is that I'm still having anxiety (it's been a daily thing for several months now) and that I keep getting the thought that I won't get better. I have gotten better than I was in the beginning, I do know that. I'm back at work and able to do some normal things, but I am nowhere near where I want to be and I guess part of me is scared that I won't improve any more or I'll be stuck like this. That's when the sadness comes in, anyone have some tips for dealing with this?

Pieter Bruinsma
01-09-15, 18:30
Hi Jade. I can relate alot to how you are feeling at the moment. i get frustrated and depressed most days by my anxiety. How I am as a person when I am anxious and how others perceive me.
I too have made many leaps forwards and I do maintain a job (although I really do annoy my workmates with my depression and my short tongue when Im stressed) but I dont see that as me, i see that as the illness.

I can honestly say I have come to accept my anxiety not as a disability but something that is part of me that I have to accept. I have no doubt as I continue to learn about depression and anxiety that I will learn new coping mechanism and ways to vent my stresses in a different way.

Believe it or not I am completely useless at music, which is pretty bad when my 2 brothers both play many instruments. Years ago I gave up trying to learn and instrument and just lived with the fact that I cant do it.

It was through my illness and learning new coping mechanisms I learnt that if I give up hope of improvement before I try something then I will never know if I could or would do something.

So I took up learning the 'Penny Whistle'. Probably the easiest instrument to learn the basics on.
Its taken me 12 weeks and annoying the life out of my kids with out of tune attempts and the odd swear word thrown in when I cant get a high note. However now I can play 20+ tunes that may not be concert standard but they are good.

So what Im saying is, anyone can make music, its just about choosing the right instrument for your ability at the time.

My outlet is my penny whistle. When Im sad or stressed i try to learn a new tune.

02-09-15, 11:16
I've been in the exact same boat as you and it really gets you down
The best advice I can give is learn to except the anxiety and it will get better once you do this , I've managed to do this for the last couple weeks and can honestly say that I'm much better in myself my anxiety levels have gone from all day down to just an hour or so , do you take any meds as I found that they also help a lot .
I hope this is some help

02-09-15, 18:05
Thanks for your suggestions guys - I will try to find positive things to focus on. My anxiety has gotten better than the beginning, it's not 24/7 everday anymore, but it does come in at different parts of everyday.

That is the part I am struggling with, in the past I have made it past an "episode" and was pretty much anxiety free. I don't think I have ever really accepted it, I will work on that - my counselor says the same thing, if I can learn to accept it will ease more quickly. Thanks again.

07-09-15, 06:57
I even feel that anxiety and depression are related to each other. Want to develop positive thoughts within me, it seems to be impossible. I consult my doctor, and she had given me some pills following which I am bit normal.