View Full Version : New member - finally admitting I have a problem

01-09-15, 18:55
Hi all

After 10 years of periods of stress and anxiety, I've finally admitted to myself I am not well.

The past 10 months have been the hardest in years. I've moved jobs, qualified into a career (and subsequently not been happy with it), moved houses and cities TWICE in 3 months, and generally not been able to be happy.

I started my latest job in April 2015. This was just before I moved for the second time (and to another city). I thought I would calm down but the move was very difficult, I realised the job wasn't working out, I had too much work, and the commute started to take its toll. I am sometimes in the car for 2-3 hours a DAY!

About 6 weeks ago, I started with fuzzy/pins and needles in my hands and feet. That did go away, and it's not come back, but I've had other issues, including:

1. A weird pressure on the right side of my head. Barely no headaches in months, but a weird sensation.

2. Dizziness. I was diagnosed with Menieries Disease after 2+ years of on and off dizziness. It will literally go for 4-6 months, but recently its come back and its horrible. Part of me thinks the anxiety is making it worse.

4. Occasional aching. No pain, but a weird nervous feeling in my legs, (like my hairs are standing on end). It comes and goes, but no weakness or pain.

5. Crying/feeling down for no reason. Well, there is a reason, I'm unhappy with my career and my anxiety. It is very bad at the moment though.

6. Health anxiety. This has hit me like a steam train. I assume I now have a brain tumour or MS. :( I don't have any pain, fainting, or weakness but I assume my above symptoms mean I have very serious diseases/conditions.

7. Panic Attacks - during the night only. Absolutely horrific. These started last October. I have recently had a few.

8. Anxiety over my hands going numb during sleep. I probably sleep tense and I sleep on my arms a lot, and this has happened for years, but I NOTICE it a lot more now as I'm waiting for it to happen.

All of this has built up. I've been getting angry, stressed, barely sleeping through the night, having night terrors, etc.

I'm mid 30s, and I've been signed off work with anxiety/menieres for a few weeks. I've started on propanolol (80mg daily) which is freaking my body out with occasional chest flutters, 'lazy' feeling, and just general off feelings which my GP is aware of.

I really hope all of this is anxiety and I can slowly beat the physical symptoms.

I've had anxiety on and off for a while, but the last time it flared up like this (but not as bad) was during legal exams 10 years ago.

Can anyone advise? I'm off work for AT LEAST another week and I'm going to hand my notice in to work in a more relaxed job for a few months, (with no commute).

02-09-15, 22:33
Sent you a private message, look forward to hearing from you.

02-09-15, 23:08
Hi, it defo Sounds like anxiety to me. You mention towards the end of your post about beating the symptoms. If you are struggling with symptoms then trying to beat them is the worst thing you can do. Trying to beat / rid yourself of symptoms is the essence of GAD. Acceptance is the way to deal with it trust me.

Have you got a diagnosis from the doctor?

03-09-15, 00:45
You need to reprogram your mind and revolutionize the way you see panic attacks.
It's really annoying, but that's all it is. It's not dangerous, you won't pass out, you won't die.