View Full Version : It was acute sciatica still in pain and clammy worried about pancreatitis

01-09-15, 21:32
I went to see the GP and as many people on here suggested it is acute sciatica flipping sore I'm on cocodamol but the weird thing is the pain starts under the rib cage on the left hand side under the rib cage into lower back and down legs it must have been a pulled muscle up there as well as sciatica the pain is the worst I have ever experienced in my life. I also feel clammy as well have done all day and I'm wondering if that is normal with sciatica I first thought the pain on my left side was pancreatitis but GP dismissed that quickly. These guys have spent years at uni and dealing with patients why do I doubt them?

01-09-15, 22:22
Brother, let me tell you... Pain does some crazy things to you! When you're in pain, especially severe pain, it messes with your entire constitution!

I deal with some degree of pain every day due to cancer treatment. Some days are better than others but I can tell you it just wears you out physically and mentally.

Trust your doctors and treat the pain. While sciatica is no picnic (I have it too), it can be treated with anti-inflammatory meds and pain killers. When you're healed enough, getting into some exercise to strengthen the muscles surrounding the injury will help loads in the long term.

Positive thoughts

01-09-15, 22:26
When my back goes as it does about 3 times a year I get pain in a very large area even though the problem is with one of my lumbar discs. the pain can come round into my abdomen and certainly around my waist/ribs and then down the leg to foot. I find painkillers do not do much for me but time and heat packs help and for me not walking or standing much for a few days.
Don't push yourself to keep going with normal life but at same time don't lay around doing nothing either!
Sorry you feel ill as well, pain can make you feel as if you have a fever and really ill.