View Full Version : Anyone else really miss school/college/uni?

01-09-15, 21:33
Everything was so easy back then ._.

Everyone was carefree and just wanted to hang out and socialise.

These days I don't know where to find that same social cohesion ._.

Everyone is so separate these days, there's so little community in normal society.

I mean maybe I could just go and grab some job somewhere but... I dunno. Not exactly riveting >.<

You know what I mean?

Things were better back then IMO due to the social unity.

06-09-15, 17:01
Maybe I just miss having more friends and being carefree and stuff ._.

I guess age is largely irrelevant :)

29-09-15, 16:55
I think I've kind of found a way to recapture it.

It seems that both of the main things that I liked when I was younger and still like currently still have big online followings in the UK and globally.

They are Sonic and pop punk ^_^

On Facebook there is a big UK pop punk group, and there is also a big Sonic forum called Sonic Stadium.

Both of these seem great places for me to make friends and they both encourage meet-ups and all sorts too and there are festivals, etc!

So... lots out there :)

29-09-15, 17:05
I definitely miss it! Less stress, less responsibility, more carefree.

29-09-15, 18:43
Went to uni in my mid 40's and 8 years on still miss it!

If I was rich I would do one degree after another and spend my life like that :)

So many of my dreams see me back there. Great friends of all ages, backgrounds, totally accepted. Had such a good time. Study is a great shared experience.

29-09-15, 19:59
I was bullied horrendously at school so not at all. However, work is egging me on to go back to university and that's something I really look forward to doing when it becomes viable.