View Full Version : Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Anti-depressants

Surprise Surprise
01-09-15, 23:00
Hi there,

Thought I'd give this a shot posting here (whats the worse than can happen?), Found this forum while researching the prescription i've just been put on.

I was wondering if anyone else has / had a similar experience to me and could help out.


Late 20's, Male. Thrives on stress and pressure, to the point where I could never write essays at university without waiting till a week before it was due in, simply because I couldn't motivate myself without the stress.

Went back to university for a postgrad, no previous issues of anxiety or depression in my life. Was involved in an car / bike accident a few months back, it sucked, it still hurts a fair bit (rupture / grade 3 damage to the AC ligament in my shoulder) but am genuinely OK with the whole thing *it happens*, aside from that, nothing 'wrong / bad' in my life.

Last two month suddenly developed huge anxiety / panic attacks, where I'd have heart palpitations, cold sweats as well as feeling paralysed with the utter feeling of dread (always past like 6pm for some reason). Out of no where, never had anything like this before. Felt like an angry midget had crawled inside my chest and was making a furious attempt to break free, repeatedly hammering away at times. I'd get cold sweats and an utter feeling of panic and dread. The thing that annoys me the most is that I have no reason to feel like this, there are people who have legitimate problems in their lives and serious reasons to be stressed and here I am having these feelings for no good reason.

The point of posting:
My doctor is utterly incredible, brilliant, fantastic, etc, etc. I first went to him about 3 weeks ago and was put immediately on Propranolol. Which has made a huge difference. I'm still getting the heart palpitations but as a result of the Propranolol they're not nearly as bad.

However I'm still getting all the other feelings involved in an 'attack' or whatever the hell it is. As as result I've just been prescribed Sertraline and was offered to be referred to a counseling service.

The questions:
Has anyone else ever been in a situation similar?
- How does sertraline affect you if you're no depressed / don't think you are.
- Did you ever find out what triggered your panic / anxiety
- Did you ever come off the prescription?
- Any negative effects short term long term
- Other medication?
- Do I even need medication?

Is there any point in attempting to organise a counselling thing if I have no clue what's causing the issue?

Honestly at this point and advice / help / tales from people in similar situations would help.