View Full Version : Please, please, please. Aortic Aneurysm Fear!!!

02-09-15, 06:55
So I know i've posted here a lot about health fears but i'm really freaking out and i'd rather come here than google. I'm 19 with hypothyroidism, GAD and ovarian cysts. I'm recently being tested for stomach problems because i've been having sharp pain all through out my stomach. I've had 3 ddimers, 3 ekgs, an echocardiogram, a pelvic ultrasound, an abdominal ultrasound and a thyroid ultrasound and everything came back normal. I'm still scared I have an abdominal aortic aneurysm because i'm having sharp throbbing pain around my belly button, chest pain, leg pain and some back pain and now am getting a headache and i felt almost like a ripping feeling in my right side. I know it's super rare but i'm so scared. please someone give me reassurance. And now since i'm panicking my symptoms are getting worse which is making my anxiety so much worse.

02-09-15, 09:51
Its beyond super rare in someone your age its practically unheard of! Large percentage of people with AAA are men over age of 60 which is why they have introduced a screening programme for males at age 65. There is also a strong genetic element to it as it often hits males though the generations but again only appearing once in their 60's.

The condition develops very slowly over many many years mostly, so if someone at age 65 does not have one then they will never develop one that could cause a problem. Plus alot of older people have small ones that never grow big enough to ever be dangerous.

You really can forget this fear and try to find out what is really causing your symptoms. What does your Dr say?

02-09-15, 11:08
having AA is like winning the lottery its that rare and if i am right if you have aa you would not be here

natalie yog
02-09-15, 11:17
I'm walking around the shops right now thinking have I got an unruptured brain aneurysm or a aortic aneurysm but I've realized now that I've just got to get on with things. You're only young don't let this take over your life. I'd bet my life savings that you do not have an aneurysm. I've wasted so much of my life worrying about thing that (touch wood) have never happened.

02-09-15, 12:08
My Aunt had an aortic aneurysm. She was 78 and had no idea that she had one until it ruptured. The likelihood of you having one at 19 are a million to one. Please stop worrying about it and enjoy your life.

25-03-16, 02:00
How common are abdominal aortic aneurysms? Pulsing in lower back and maybe stomach .. but my wife says no because the doctors had me in the hospital a year ago for a week checking on heart ,blood pressure etc...Hopefully its nothing and not this..

25-03-16, 02:36
How common are abdominal aortic aneurysms? Pulsing in lower back and maybe stomach .. but my wife says no because the doctors had me in the hospital a year ago for a week checking on heart ,blood pressure etc...Hopefully its nothing and not this..

I can see you've latched onto this one pretty hard. I would agree with your wife. If you were checked as thoroughly as you say, they would have detected the risk. I'm in the same category as you with the added risk of already having heart disease. I just do the best I can in after care prevention. Proper diet, exercise (walking) and not smoking. Something like this never crosses my mind in the least.

Positive thoughts

25-03-16, 03:07
Yeah maybe got to much time on my hands ..or not spending it right. Hope I didn't annoy anyone here with this ,its just that this is so weird but hopefully I will just ignore it and try to forget about it. Thanks for being here . I noticed that is its 3am something in the U. K so guess its only us U S people are other people not yet asleep. Thanks again for everything. I will try to nip this one in the bud and do something else.. take care and sorry.

25-03-16, 14:43
Yeah maybe got to much time on my hands ..or not spending it right. Hope I didn't annoy anyone here with this ,its just that this is so weird but hopefully I will just ignore it and try to forget about it. Thanks for being here . I noticed that is its 3am something in the U. K so guess its only us U S people are other people not yet asleep. Thanks again for everything. I will try to nip this one in the bud and do something else.. take care and sorry.

Don't be sorry... I just saw you grabbing on and spiraling and wanted to help if I could.

Positive thoughts