View Full Version : Weird head rush...panicking

02-09-15, 08:45
Anybody felt a weird sensation in their head out of the blue where you feel 'whoooah....' head goes all over the place as if you are going to black out for a few seconds - not dizziness, but a horrible feeling and I had to grip the desk yesterday as I thought, 'this is it, I am going to die here at work'???!! Had another small one driving into work this morning so now I am panicking it's going to happen again.... I am trying desperately to put on a normal face at work and hide my anxiety but I want to just go home and give up.

Just when I make a decision to try and do some relaxation and cbt as my anxiety is through the roof at the moment, another scary symptom happens which has completely thrown me over the edge and I am sitting here at work terrified I am going to collapse/die.

02-09-15, 09:27
In the beggining i had these all the time , head zaps they seem to be called generically .
apparently its your brains way of telling you somethings been getting you down / worrying you and you havent realised /ignored it I thought mine was a brain tumour and this just made everything 20 times worse .

Personally i had been going into work for 2 years and saying this is Sh1t and become depressed and then stressed and anxious.

Once you know its merely a signal and you start to unwravel whats wrong in your life or whats making you a little cheesed off they become les and less frequent .

have a look for Fight ot Flight symptoms and sigals on here or do a Self Refferal via your local GP , the NHS run a Stress course 4 hours a week ove 6 weeks , although entitled stress it actually covers all the symptoms and its a massive insight into why and how the body reacts to Anxiety ,depression and stress , without that knowledge i dont think i could have begun to recover :)

Hope that helps .

02-09-15, 10:05
That's a great bit of advice. I have brain pains like jabs and jolts which come on in an afternoon and occur randomly throughout the evening. Were these the same as you experienced?

02-09-15, 10:08
Thanks Deanosbeano, yes it does help. I have had an odd one in the past but not as strong as the one I got yesterday. It's upsetting because I just don't want another symptom to cope with and worry about. I was frightened driving this morning and don't want to get into a position where it stops me form doing so in case I cause an accident. I hope they are just my body reacting to the anxiety state yet again. I am having cbt but it's not helping and my therapist has now put me on fortnightly as it's coming to an end and has gone on holiday for 3 weeks!

02-09-15, 10:10
Hi Blonde123,
I guess they can take many forms but mine were like a wave of electric or a rush , i still get them now when a sudden bang occurs i wasnt expecting , it seems my senses are still heightened from the anxiety , what used to be a little startle is a bit stronger these days but i just shout head zap and giggle to myself and it stops it turning into a full blown sweats and heart racing etc :).

I believe the medicines block / reduce it but i opted for magnesium instead of Citalopram so i was lucky in so much i was able to do that , but obviously some need medications and there is nothing wrong with that , everone is different and getting the help you need is the most important.

02-09-15, 10:17

02-09-15, 10:23
Yeah Magnesium from Holland and Barrets :)
i think there 500mg will have to check , apparently it assists in delivery of some chemicals that help stay a bit happier and reduce the head zaps ( however they are stronger for the first few days in my experience) .
Obviously always be aware of drug cominations , i dont think its advisable to mix Magnesium and Catilopram for example , always see the Dr :)

Im sure there is some info on here somewhere :)

02-09-15, 11:39
Well mine don't sound like a head 'rush' -or 'zap' more of a 'whoooh, what's happening' moment as it doesn't feel like vertigo or dizziness as the room doesn't spin or anything - just a very scary feeling of going to black out if it carries on.

I have read about magnesium for a while and wondered whether to try it. Have a look at some threads by MynameisTerry as he talks about it a lot and is quite knowledgeable on it.

02-09-15, 12:44
Hi Just a nutter
the terms 'rush' -or 'zap' more of a 'whoooh are probably eluding to the same sensation , its hard to describe really but i`m sure if linked with anxiety etc they will be the same thing just manifesting differently for different people.
I feel like im going to drop to my knees for a split second sometimes too .

02-09-15, 13:09
Yes, have had that 3 times, horrible!!

10-09-15, 13:37
Had something like this yesterday. Felt like the blood was either rushing to or from my head - kind of hard to describe. Thought I was going to faint if the feeling continued or amplified. :(