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14-09-04, 12:00
Hi, well I've had a social Phobia now since childhood. Can't exactly remember when it started but I had a terrbile time at school because of it and it's still affecting my life now (i'm 27). My fear is talking infront of others, being heard, looked at etc, especially in a group setting, and this has resulted in panic attacks over & over again. I started taking beta blockers this year which takes away the trembling, heart racing, hyperventilating etc but the psychological aspect of it still remains and it's the worst feeling ever. But!... I won't let it beat me, even if i have to suffer in the mean time.

I think this site is excellent..it's helped me already, just knowing i'm not alone in what i've been going through.


14-09-04, 12:11
Hiya KW,

Welcome to the site!! Everyone here is great and the advice and support you get is invaluable. It is such a relief to know you are not alone isn't it!!

Have a look at the first steps page (written by Meg) in the welcome part of this forum (sorry bit of a technaphobe or I'd send you a link!!

Any questions just ask!


14-09-04, 12:49

Welcome to the site. I also have social phobia and found school very difficult too.

It is good that you sound so positive in not wanting to let it beat you. I have spent too many years giving in to my fears and the fear and anxiety just increases.

I hope you find this site helpful and am sure you will receive loads of support.


14-09-04, 13:27
Hi Briary

Thank you so much. Your words and others on this site really are helping already. It's so nice to know we are not alone.

School was hell, the worst day was when i had to stand up infront of my form class with a friend and had to read out 2 full A4 papers about a topic (can't remember what..it's a blur!) And i shook the whole time and could hardly breathe, basically had a full blown panic attack. The worst thing is the boys on the front row were whispering saying' look at her shaking' and i felt such a freak. At the end the teacher thanked me and my friend for our talk and then proceeded to use me as an example that not all of us find it easy to talk infront of people. But he didn't ask how i felt when we left the classroom for break, noone ever discussed it with me, not even my mates mentioned it..maybe they didn't think anything of it.

Anyway thank u again for being so caring, words can make a difference..


14-09-04, 13:48
Hi KW -

Great attitude.

So what are you doing and what have you done in the past to start to overcome this ?

How have you arranged your life to accomodate this so far ?

You did really well to do that reading - well done. Teachers should know better and I'm sure most do have more empathy or maybe you just hid it so well she didn't know how quite much you were suffering..


Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind.
If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.
Robert Albert Bloch

14-09-04, 16:18
hello there KW,

Welcome to the site!! It sounds like you have been through quite a lot tough times but you still have such a great positive attitude - well done!! That takes a lot of courage. This site has helped me loads and I'm sure it will do the same for you!!

Sarah :D

14-09-04, 16:58

I think you did so well to even do that reading in front of the class. I used to just completely freeze and not be able to say a word, and that was sitting at my desk, not standing in front of everyone. I used to hear the comments of the other pupils and some laughed. I know what it is like to feel like a freak.

Some teachers were more understanding than others. Some used to start shouting at me for not replying to questions or reading etc. I just found myself unable to utter a word. No matter how hard I tried my voice wouldn't work. I also had the full panic attacks too.

Other people who don't suffer from anxiety or panic attacks don't really understand what we are going through and sometimes I think they don't mention anything because they don't know what to say.

You sound like you have a really positive attitude and I am sure you will find this site useful.

Best wishes


14-09-04, 17:56

Welcome to the site.

You have a good, strong postive attitude that can only move you further forward with great success.

Well done you.

Love Sal xxxxx

14-09-04, 17:59
Hi Meg

Well I still suffer with the p.attacks. I work in admin for a charity & have to go to lots of meetings. The general weekly meeting I find very dfficult as we go around the room and we all have to give an update on our work, with the help of beta blockers I manage to speak, i hate every minute and say little as possible but i do it and even though i get up in the morning of the meeting and think 'i could phone in and say i've broken down' or 'i don't feel well today, can't come in' i still go through with it because i won't let this phobia rule me.

There are a couple of meetings coming up which i am dreading as i know i am going to have to like introduce myself to new people but i'm determined to see them through. Even on a daily basis talking to my colleagues i get very self conscious and hate making eye contact, i constantly think about what they are thinking of me as they are talking to me or vice versa and i get quite down over it. If i look at a person too long i can feel my eyes widening, sounds wierd but i have to like break eye contact then and then until i feel comfortable enough to look back at them. i think i hide my fear well and sometimes i know i can look nervous but noone ever says anything to me. There are times when i think i'd just love to stay at home and not go to work but i can't give up, not now.



18-09-04, 19:41

Just a quick post to Welcome you to the forum as I have been away for a week so I have loads to catch up on.

I look forward to reading your other posts.
