View Full Version : Ugh, that feeling...

02-09-15, 13:17
Can anyone relate to this?

I find that when I am in work, although I am not under any particular stress it feels like someone has their finnger pushed in centre of my chest or as if they are squeezing and chord with two fingers. It happens particularly when it is quiet at wortk and my mind isn't preoccupied which is generally most of the time. It makes me feel pretty 'yuck' all day, like heartburn but without the burn and also quite tired. When I get home the feeling goes and when I am at the gym I feel ok.

It is annoying not to be able to shake this feeling and I don't really want to have to go on meds again.

I guess another way of describing it is that feeling of needing to cry if you're watching a movie but you have to hold it in the centre of your chest.

If anyone has or has had a smililar feeling and would like to talk please get in touch.

03-09-15, 00:48
I've had this in the past, it sucks doesn't it? It's not dangerous at all, it's just uncomfortable. Whenever you have this feeling, turn it into your funny little secret and laugh about it. Whenever I get a symptom of anxiety I go "HAHAHA here we go, make me die, make me pass out, let's go" and it leaves my body in 3 seconds. Then I go aww.. come back.. and then I just feel really silly for talking to myself and I move on with my day. Don't let something uncomfortable bother you this much, come on man :)