View Full Version : worried I'm worrying my life away

02-09-15, 14:01
Hi everyone, Ibe never posted on a forum or live chat before however, I feel like no more panic is the safest place to express my feelings. I'm 20 years old, in a fantastic relationship, have a beautiful home, a wonderful 2 year old, and I'm currently studying at university. I have a fantastic life but everyday I'm beating myself up about my health anxiety.

Anxiety was never an issue for me however ever since I've had my daughter, I'm a nervous reck! I have good days and bad days however after experiencing post trimaran stress after the unexpected death of my father in law, it is at an all time high.

I always diagnosing myself and I make up situations in my head that reduces me to tears, however I know myself that these situations are unlikely and I am thinking irrationally. But it takes over my mind. Once I bet going I can't relax and when I try to distract myself, I can feel my mind going backwards and worrying again.

I know I have anxiety and I know how to deal with it, but my health fixation is really disrupting my mind. Can someone please help, I don't feel like how a 20 year old girl with everything going for her should.

02-09-15, 17:10
Hi Sar,

I've seen many, many similar posts here. That being said, there's a difference in your post that should be reason for encouragement.

In many posts, one can see a high level of stress and consequently irrationality. In your case, you appear to be very aware of your thought process as well as what may be causing it.

I have a daughter not much older than you who suffers from anxiety and depression. For her and for many others, therapy and/or meds can be helpful. It helped her tremendously! Possibly, being that your quite aware of what's happening and why, an on-line CBT program may be beneficial.

Positive thoughts

02-09-15, 18:36
Hi hun, you're story is very similar to mine, I led a carefree lifestyle, that all changed following the birth of my son 8 years ago. I started worrying about become ill as I worried no one could look after my son, that then moved to what if I died, then moved to every fatal illness you could imagine. I've had cbt, twice and it has taken the edge off a lot. I cope loads better when everything is well, however I still struggle when I'm poorly. Read as much as you can on health anxiety, help to understand the power it can have. Speak to your doctor, I went two days ago to request psychotherapy, my doctor said she has heard lots of women say the same as me.
Good luck, don't suffer in silence as it can be very lonely. Xxx

03-09-15, 08:42
Thank you both! I've tried cbt before and they discharged me, on the basis of I had understood it however I felt myself that I still can't apply it to my anxiety. I have the exact same problem, I'm always worried if I get ill what would happen to my daughter. It's horrible. I will keep on reading helpful books and I know I need to stay away from Google, but it's very tempting!