View Full Version : Lymph nodes concern

02-09-15, 15:13
Hello I'm 22 and for about 9 + years I've had lymph nodes the size of peas in groin neck and armpit there's 8 total. They all move and kind of soft or rubbery. There's 3 in groin, 2 in same place on each side and one in each armpit. They have not changed size ever. The one in my left armpit is the only new one, it happen 9 months ago right after the first time I've ever shaved my armpit. It's 1.5 - 2 cm long not to thick I thibk , the biggest one I can move it anywhere and grab it with my fingers and roll it around. This got me worried because it's new, and showed up after I shaved. Been stressing about lymph nodes since then the others ones didn't bother me because I've had them forever . Any suggestion or help to calm me

None of them have changed size including new one. I also have a infected wisdom tooth for past year.

Heathly, gym everyday and no other symptoms

03-09-15, 08:02
Go get an u/s and blood work done to be on the safe side.

03-09-15, 12:28
I have to disagree going for tests that are unnecessary. They haven't changed in 9 years! The new nodes coincide with areas that have receives irritation are are reactive. Totally completely normal.

Positive thoughts

08-09-15, 05:56
The one in my armpit is only one concerning me, it's about size 2 cms around there can't tell exactly . Hasn't grown since I found it like 8 months ago. The other ones are all smaller then finger tip heard that's normal so not concerned. Armpit one I can pitch my whole finger around it and move it not attached to anything.

Does this seem worrisome

08-09-15, 15:28
It's really easily felt I can find it very easily

11-09-15, 04:42
I have to disagree going for tests that are unnecessary. They haven't changed in 9 years! The new nodes coincide with areas that have receives irritation are are reactive. Totally completely normal.

Positive thoughts

Why did the new one appear after I shaved and still hasn't gone down its the only one I'm worried about because it's 2 cms I think a finger tip and half maybe. Hasn't changed size and is smooth like an almond

11-09-15, 11:05

I actually have the same fear as you by the sound of things, but as this is for you and not myself I may actually be able to help.

Shaving can make Lymph Nodes swell its a very common thing, and by the sound of it you keep checking and re checking these lumps am I right? How do you expect things to get better if you keep messing? I myself have two Lymph Nodes above my adams apple been there 3 months and now one has doubled in size. Of course I am a little freaked out and worried but I know many things could have made this happen and my Doctor (Who is brilliant) isn't worried so I guess I shouldn't be (Harder said than done I know)

A saying that I have been told may times on this sight is "Step away from the Lymph Nodes" I believe that Fishmanpa said that to me not to long ago. It's time you do that leave them, it's hard and it takes determination but you need to do it or they will never go away/get smaller and you will never stop worrying.

I am currently trying to not check and after the first two days it gets easier, also I don't know if you have seen a Doctor but you should and talk about your Anxiety as it is currently messing with you and you seem like you might need more help than what we on hear can give.
