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View Full Version : Hit the back of my head

02-09-15, 17:24
I am on vacation and I tried to do back circle in the sea but it was too shallow so I hit the back of my hand oretty badly in the water. Few hours later I get pain in head when I move it especially to the left...don't have any other symptoms like nausea etc and I didn't lose consciouss. My head doesnt hurt to touch either.

My question is, should I go to see a doctor? Don't know if pain is normal since Ive never hit my head like this and I am not in my country...

02-09-15, 18:03
From your description it sounds more like you hurt your neck...If it was as you say a pretty bad bang I would go to have it checked. Which country are you in?

02-09-15, 18:34
Well...to be honest, I continued swimming after that only my head hurt, so it was not terribly bad I guess...my head now hurts slightly...the pain was the worst when I was lying on beach for 30minutes and got up...

I am in Greece now.

02-09-15, 19:39
Had the same thing while I was on holiday and before - caused me a lot of worry. If you did not lose consciousness or vomit the chances are that you are okay! Try and take it easy just in case and keep an eye on how you progress over the next 48 hours. Let whoever you are with know that you are worried about a head injury and tell them to keep an eye on you for your own peace of mind - best of luck!

02-09-15, 22:50
A couple of threads about head bangs:


It does sound more like your neck as sial said. Like a bit of a whiplash style injury.

04-09-15, 17:47
Well, I survived I guess...had nausea that night but it was gastritis related...the day after my head stopped hurting and 50 hours from bang I am fine so everything cool.

Thanks all