View Full Version : Anti-depressants question

02-09-15, 19:12
Hi guys.

About a month ago I started taking 50mg setraline as prescribed by my doctor, for my health anxiety and depression issues. The first 2 weeks were so difficult. I felt tired so much and scared, depressed, down in the dumps, frightened, not wanting to do anything other than sit in my room and Google my symptoms. Luckily, after about 2 weeks things slowly started to get better and I started to feel more positive. The thoughts have still been there but I've not let them get to me as much and I've been a lot more positive generally.

However, today I went back to work and I'm worried because I've started feeling upset and down on the dumps again. Is it normal to still have bad days when on anti depressants? I know life is never perfect, whether you're on anti depressants or not, but nothing even happened bad today. :(


02-09-15, 19:18
Maybe it's time to up the dose. The 50mg can only work on so much of the anxiety so maybe upping the dose will kick tht to touch aswel. I started sertraline 50mg 8 days ago. I'm still feeling rubbish and wishing they would hurry up and kick in xx