View Full Version : pain under right rib

02-09-15, 20:02
hi there i been getting a slight pain cramp sort of feeling under my right rib and i dont know what it could be i do have ibs could it be apart of that its not bad enough to cause me discomfort but its like its telling you its there has anyone had this sort of feeling ?

02-09-15, 21:30
I would day trapped wind

02-09-15, 21:39
I been letting wind off from both ends all day

02-09-15, 21:44
I've had this for a year on and off and (fingers crossed) im still here. If you're really worried, I'd maybe cut down on fatty foods in case it's your gall bladder being lame, but otherwise it could definitely be wind!

02-09-15, 22:03
my diet isnt that great to be honest i am 18 stone and still overweight i was 24 stone thankyou for your replys :) its calmed me a bit