View Full Version : weird cluster headaches and other symptoms?

02-09-15, 21:23
lately i've been having quite a few strange symptoms which are becoming increasingly worrying to me- surprisingly i've managed to hold off from googling them but i don't know whether they're all being caused by my anxiety or whether they're anything that i really do need to be worried about (for reference, i'm only 15 and female).
I've been having headaches that only go on for a moment or two, if even that, and are in certain areas of my head and face. for instance, I just had one on the left side on the bit right in front of my ear, and yesterday I was getting them around my eyebrow. The ones I notice most seem to be on the right side of my head, around the lower back or around my temples. They're kind of like really quick shooting pains.
I'm also really tired all the time- I don't have a lot of energy and I feel spaced out quite a lot of the time and kind of weak and weary. The sides of my neck have been hurting too, but I don't know whether this is anything to do with how I've been sleeping or whatever.
I'm just really scared about what could be going on with me- I don't know whether to go and see a doctor or not, because last time when I went about chest pains (which had taken me SO long to pluck up the courage to do), the doctor didn't really seem to take me seriously at all. I guess in some ways this was kind of a relief, and ever since he reassured me nothing was wrong the chest pains have TOUCHWOOD stopped. But whilst I really, really hope that all of this is being caused by my anxiety, I fear the worst and I really just want some reassurance and to stop worrying. what do you guys think?

02-09-15, 21:52
I just want to tell you that I recognize myself almost entirely in what you say. Sharp brief pains either at the front or the lower back of my head, neck pain... My headaches also come in tension-like pain. I have had this in varied ways for over three weeks.
Please, don't google it. You're doing amazing not feeding your fear. I did and I regret it! I'm now in the process of waiting for it to go away on its own, and I think it will if I stop obsessing over it.
I think you can get a doctor's appointment so that he can take a look at the muscles in your neck and see if they are tense. It's probably just that!

Hope you find some relief.

02-09-15, 22:01
I get this also. It's definatley anxiety that's causing it. I find the more relaxed I am the less it happens xx

03-09-15, 06:34
I just want to reiterate what inha said - I could have written that post myself! I am very new to anxiety and all of those symptoms you mention in your post were some of the first ones I experienced. My head/neck pains go all the way into my upper back and shoulders, and at the beginning even into my upper arms. Those sharp shooting pains are not nice at all :( Good luck and good on you for not running to google..I unfortunately did, and set myself on a downwards spiral that has taken me the better part of 3 weeks to get out of...:hugs:

03-09-15, 16:29
Im still having thess shooting pains in my head. Starting to seriously worry now so I know how you feel