View Full Version : Trying to remain calm

03-09-15, 00:43
[May be too much information for some people]
So for a while I have had a fear of lung cancer and throat cancer which has led me to having panic attacks. For a few months now I have felt like there is something in my throat only when I think about it and this leads me to clearing my throat and causing it to be sore which also caused me to feel like I couldnt swallow properly. Well this has never caused me much panic as I could cause the irritation to go to the other side just by thinking about it. At 1 point I was worried and even put my fingers down my throat to try and feel for any lumps. Tonight I was clearing my throat more than usual and tried to force a cough a few times. At 1 point later in the evening I could taste blood and tried to cough on a tissue to see if there was blood and found 2 dots about half a millimeter then tried get my saliva onto the tissue and this contained a streak of blood. Well this got me feeling worried so I tried to find the source and made myself throw up by accident which had quite a big streak of blood. Should I be worried. I am trying to remain positive and stay calm but after all the reading about lung cancer coughs this has me worried. Please dont judge me just looking for reasons other than the Big C this could have happened. I also had indigestion and acid reflux if that matters. What also has me worried is that the blood in the sickness was a little bit dark and a streak which could indicate stomach cancer which I have also been worried about so this is brilliant. If anyone could help. Im not panicking too much currently but I dont know how long that will last. I can no longer taste the blood.

03-09-15, 01:17
From your last post...

Thanks for your advice. I will make sure I do as you guys suggested as I really dont have many symptoms not caused by anxiety and those that arent at all serious as they are minor things here and there exaggerated. I thank all the people who have replied for the support and understanding and for the advice which I hope will help me to stop my worrying and live in the now.

Positive thoughts

03-09-15, 01:22
Everywhere it says if you vomit blood to go to the emergency room immediately or call 911 do I need to go to the hospital? I dont really think I can since I am on holiday currently

03-09-15, 07:34
I suspect all the coughing and putting your fingers down your throat probably had something to do with this... Obviously I'm not a doctor, but given that you've been doing that, I don't think it warrants a visit to the ER, especially if you feel fine.

I've also heard that blood coughed up as a result of lung cancer looks like coffee grounds.

Nobody on here can tell you conclusively what to do and you should see a doctor if you feel really unwell, but I'm not sure they'll have much to offer you.

Best wishes

EDIT: having reflux will make you feel like you've got a lump/something stuck in your throat.