View Full Version : (sigh) Stabbing pain in right side of chest

03-09-15, 01:01
So long time sufferer of anxiety disorder, but haven't posted in a year - has been pretty smooth sailing thanks to my friend Xanax.

Yesterday afternoon woke up from a nap with these sharp sudden (lightening type) pains in my chest, about an inch to the right of the middle of my chest - about nipple level.

The stab sensation lasts a second to maybe 3 seconds and vanishes, they can come in bouts of maybe 10 over a min or just show up two or three every hour or two.

They don't seem to be related to my heart beat (it doesn't skip or speed up). It also doesn't happen when exercising, went and did 30 min of cardio and then made the GF have sex with me (haha) just to check if exercise caused them.

Mostly when just sitting or laying down, walking around.

No tenderness to touch, doesn't happen when i breathe deep or bend over. just out of the blue.

2 days ago I went to gym for first time and worked out my moobs, did some pushups, also will mention that I have pretty significant rotor cuff injury (right shoulder) that does all kinds of wacky things to right side of my body.

Also last 2 days my belly has been screwed up, lots of gas and some lower belly discomfort.

First time i've had this pain and is causing me MUCH anxiety. How can you tell if it's heart or something else?

I'm traveling in Cambodia at the moment and there's really no good cardio dr. to go to even if I wanted to.

Humbly seeking advice?