View Full Version : getting better now....

03-09-15, 06:06
It has been at least a year since i last posted...hope everyone here is doing great....

Just wanna share some of my progress along the year. I had mild depression since young and situation can get very bad if i take caffiene related and sweet drink. Roller coaster and meaningless to live type of mood.

When i quit cigarettes in year 2013 (half a year, failed) and oct 2014(till now), i had at least 8 counts of panic attacks and all year long very bad depression. Cold and hot flashes burning skin, unpredictable mood, bubbling stomach and diarrhea. inositol help me a fair bit but cant carry on due to diarrhea.

Now...i had seen that i am very much less depressed..no more panic attacks....but still lack of drives and confident...but i appreciate my current condition and i believe i can get better....

70% depressed. 30% anxiety. Struggling to live.

30% depressed, 10% anxiety. 60% normal....struggling to find a job.

What i have done...

1. Eat quite a lot of alkaline food(water melon daily, 0.5 /10 ratio of apple cider vinegar) to counter the burning skin sensation (acidic blood). Stop when the symptoms go away.
2. Eat high amount of food containing high amount of iron and vege...take adequate amount of vitamin b complex. Like once every 3 days for 1 month.
3. Go under hot sun at least 15 mins vitamin D a day. Force myself to go for a long walk, or vigourous exercise.
4. Minimise gluten in take ( very inconvenient).
5. Eat lotsa different fruits. Oranges is very good to repair damage immune system. I squashed 2 oranges everyday(intensively) for 2 weeks. Lemon is not good for me due to weak stomach.

6. Minimise sugar related food ( almost zero). No canned or packed drink. We can get sugar from fruits and carbo foods.
7. Stop all caffiene including tea coffee and chocolate. U will get use to no caffiene after 1-2 weeks...and can be fresh and alert.
8. Eat easily digested foods...tofu , eggs...

The above is to let your body recuperate...full of junks...bad guts cannot keep nutrients (leaky guts). Result in chemical imbalance.

Day to day....
1. Keep all negative news away...removing people/friends and news that is negative (suicide, adultery, poverty, betrayal, hatred , political news etc)..i am not rich and out of job but i dont need another poverty story to drag me down further. Remove every single one of them from your twitter facebook and whatsoever...

2. Watch only funny video, sporty video (like korean show Running man, stand up commedian , peter Russell ) avoid watching encouraging channel that is related to depression and anxiety..cos every they will mentioned sentences that remind you that you are depressed and anxiety.and alot of time it made u feel hopeless.. ..some of them are started by folks who is kind hearted but knows nut about these two symptoms...

3. Do your prayer, you can pray to your grandma, your guardian angel, your allah, your buddha. Whomever you like...pray for strength to help you recover. Strength and will power is important.
I pray to Avalokite bodhisattva. He had make vow to help anyone that is in trouble. Have faith in him or your god.

4. Meditate...sit comfortably, quiet place...close your eye and focus on two inches above your belly button....say "rising" as your stomach rise..."falling" when your stomach collapse. Do it for at least 5 mins a day for a month. Then increase the timing depend on yourself. You should notice your brain change its state of mind if you are focus enough.

5. Whenever you notice you are thinking of negative/worrying thing..you need to stop thinking...1. By telling yourself excessive thinking is not going to help, it will be worse. 2. Quick shift of attention by- focusing on your chest...and recite "thinking, thinking, thinking...until there is no desire to continue thinking of negative things.

How does meditation help? It breaks the thoughts pattern we used to have....it change the state of mind...

6. Its ok to go strolling alone...just make sure you dont dwell on worrying thoughts...if you have company...dont even start gossip or any negatives discussion or discussion that bring up jealousy...like...who and who had brought himself a BMW...and who and who just went japan for tour....it make you feel lousy if you are financially not ok...

This is a long way for recovery....make yourself strong before trying to achieve anything...you will know once you are ready....during the path of recovery..REMEMBER..you are still a patient....

Points to note.
1. try to observe your body condition, if its good..you feel good and less negative thoughts.if its bad....its hard to think of good thing..negative thoughts just arise easily by themselves...

2. I reiterate, watch your thoughts...once you notice you are thinking of useless and negative thoughts..you have to switch your attention..cos the bad thoughts is going to generate more toxic to your body..and the bad cycle will carry on....

3. Be nice...be patient or learn to ignore....for instance..i get mad when some body cut abruptly into my lane...now i just switch my attentiom immediately to else where instead of keep thinking about it.

4. Stop watching news video clip that arouse your judgement about who is good or bad....they are not your business...

I really hope all these can help everyone of you here and i wish you speedy recovery....

1. Good guts (health) support the brain and balance the body chemicals.
2. Good thoughts or stopping bad/negative thoughts stop intoxifications to the body.
3. Gratitude and contentment allow you to recover gradually.

4. Will power and persistency is important, set a timeline of few years for your recovery (depend on yourself). Keep journal to record your condition so that you know that you are improving.
5. We all will die one day...but we dont want to live and die in depressed state.


---------- Post added at 13:06 ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 ----------

It has been at least a year since i last posted...hope everyone here is doing great....

Just wanna share some of my progress along the year. I had mild depression since young and situation can get very bad if i take caffiene related and sweet drink. Roller coaster and meaningless to live type of mood.

When i quit cigarettes in year 2013 (half a year, failed) and oct 2014(till now), i had at least 8 counts of panic attacks and all year long very bad depression. Cold and hot flashes burning skin, unpredictable mood, bubbling stomach and diarrhea. inositol help me a fair bit but cant carry on due to diarrhea.

Now...i had seen that i am very much less depressed..no more panic attacks....but still lack of drives and confident...but i appreciate my current condition and i believe i can get better....

70% depressed. 30% anxiety. Struggling to live.

30% depressed, 10% anxiety. 60% normal....struggling to find a job.

What i have done...

1. Eat quite a lot of alkaline food(water melon daily, 0.5 /10 ratio of apple cider vinegar) to counter the burning skin sensation (acidic blood). Stop when the symptoms go away.
2. Eat high amount of food containing high amount of iron and vege...take adequate amount of vitamin b complex. Like once every 3 days for 1 month.
3. Go under hot sun at least 15 mins vitamin D a day. Force myself to go for a long walk, or vigourous exercise.
4. Minimise gluten in take ( very inconvenient).
5. Eat lotsa different fruits. Oranges is very good to repair damage immune system. I squashed 2 oranges everyday(intensively) for 2 weeks. Lemon is not good for me due to weak stomach.

6. Minimise sugar related food ( almost zero). No canned or packed drink. We can get sugar from fruits and carbo foods.
7. Stop all caffiene including tea coffee and chocolate. U will get use to no caffiene after 1-2 weeks...and can be fresh and alert.
8. Eat easily digested foods...tofu , eggs...

The above is to let your body recuperate...full of junks...bad guts cannot keep nutrients (leaky guts). Result in chemical imbalance.

Day to day....
1. Keep all negative news away...removing people/friends and news that is negative (suicide, adultery, poverty, betrayal, hatred , political news etc)..i am not rich and out of job but i dont need another poverty story to drag me down further. Remove every single one of them from your twitter facebook and whatsoever...

2. Watch only funny video, sporty video (like korean show Running man, stand up commedian , peter Russell ) avoid watching encouraging channel that is related to depression and anxiety..cos every they will mentioned sentences that remind you that you are depressed and anxiety.and alot of time it made u feel hopeless.. ..some of them are started by folks who is kind hearted but knows nut about these two symptoms...

3. Do your prayer, you can pray to your grandma, your guardian angel, your allah, your buddha. Whomever you like...pray for strength to help you recover. Strength and will power is important.
I pray to Avalokite bodhisattva. He had make vow to help anyone that is in trouble. Have faith in him or your god.

4. Meditate...sit comfortably, quiet place...close your eye and focus on two inches above your belly button....say "rising" as your stomach rise..."falling" when your stomach collapse. Do it for at least 5 mins a day for a month. Then increase the timing depend on yourself. You should notice your brain change its state of mind if you are focus enough.

5. Whenever you notice you are thinking of negative/worrying thing..you need to stop thinking...1. By telling yourself excessive thinking is not going to help, it will be worse. 2. Quick shift of attention by- focusing on your chest...and recite "thinking, thinking, thinking...until there is no desire to continue thinking of negative things.

How does meditation help? It breaks the thoughts pattern we used to have....it change the state of mind...

6. Its ok to go strolling alone...just make sure you dont dwell on worrying thoughts...if you have company...dont even start gossip or any negatives discussion or discussion that bring up jealousy...like...who and who had brought himself a BMW...and who and who just went japan for tour....it make you feel lousy if you are financially not ok...

This is a long way for recovery....make yourself strong before trying to achieve anything...you will know once you are ready....during the path of recovery..REMEMBER..you are still a patient....

Points to note.
1. try to observe your body condition, if its good..you feel good and less negative thoughts.if its bad....its hard to think of good thing..negative thoughts just arise easily by themselves...

2. I reiterate, watch your thoughts...once you notice you are thinking of useless and negative thoughts..you have to switch your attention..cos the bad thoughts is going to generate more toxic to your body..and the bad cycle will carry on....

3. Be nice...be patient or learn to ignore....for instance..i get mad when some body cut abruptly into my lane...now i just switch my attentiom immediately to else where instead of keep thinking about it.

4. Stop watching news video clip that arouse your judgement about who is good or bad....they are not your business...

I really hope all these can help everyone of you here and i wish you speedy recovery....

1. Good guts (health) support the brain and balance the body chemicals.
2. Good thoughts or stopping bad/negative thoughts stop intoxifications to the body.
3. Gratitude and contentment allow you to recover gradually.

4. Will power and persistency is important, set a timeline of few years for your recovery (depend on yourself). Keep journal to record your condition so that you know that you are improving.
5. We all will die one day...but we dont want to live and die in depressed state.


Some findings from internet.
The chinese medicine doctor believe that our liver regulate the mood. If your liver is blocked (toxified by drug and med), then you got problem, if your blood level is low that you get anxiety easily. If there isnt enough blood in your heart ..you get palpitations. Most people having depression and anxiety had bad blood flow or thick blood...they failed to deliver to nourish all organs...

07-09-15, 06:53
Thanks for the tips. I have been through depression and tried some of the tips provided by you. It has been out of control due to which my doctor has prescribed me some medications to control my depression.