View Full Version : Still need help

08-02-07, 22:38
I posted two days ago and I'm a mess still. I just don't feel right. Been to docs, said not to worry, but I feel lightheaded, dizzy, shaky, every time I sit I'm constantly shaking my leg or something. I am in a constant state of intense anxiety. Do you think anxiety can really do this to you? Please help. I didn't' get many responses last time and I would love some feedback. Thanks for your time.

08-02-07, 22:49
Shelly how you are feeling is exactly what anxiety can do to you. It feels like the control you had has gone and rational thinking is something we only dreamed of. We are all here to help you and ive been where you have and had so much support on here. We will support you all we can and you know by reading other posts you are not alone.

Big hugs mate.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

08-02-07, 22:52
Thanks you Sal, it just seems like I can't function. I start to do something and I feel lightheaded and my legs feel like lead. I feel so out of it. Thanks again for your post.

08-02-07, 22:57
No probs Shell i know how you feel but you can get through this and i have been there trust me and could see no way out at all.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

09-02-07, 08:35
Thats exactly how I feel when I get anxious, it feels horrible, but it will get better", I'm into my fifth month of it, and it has got a bit better, though there are good days and bad days. Do some reading, try some of the ideas, talk to people, find out what helps and works for you.

A big hug from me.

09-02-07, 10:32
(((((((((((((((big hug)))))))))))))))))))))))))

Shelly sorry you are feeling so bad hun, but anxiety can make you feel this way, its a horrible thing but can be beaten, make sure you are eating and drinking even if its only a small amount of food, or if you are struggling to eat try fruit smooties, soup or milky drinks.

Are you managing to fill your time?

Hope you are feeling a bit better soon

Love Pinky

Yesterdays history, Tommorows a mystery, today is a gift, thats why its called the present.

09-02-07, 11:42
Hi Shelley

The awful jitteriness caused by anxiety can be so debilitating. What you describe is pure anxiety; it's not easy, but trying to keep busy and distracted helps; breathing exercises to calm yourself; listening to quite relaxing music.

Reading the posts helps because so many people have experienced or are experiencing what you are going through, and it can be very reassuring to know that. Also, you can pick up tips on coping mechanisms.

Has something happened to suddenly bring on the anxiety?


09-02-07, 17:23
im sorry to hear ur not feeling too good.anixety has got many tricks it can play on our bodies.i hav friend who had such bad panic that she went to hospital,she said they had to put bars up on side of bed as she was shaking that much they thought she wood fall out of the bed, so shaking and not feeling able to sit still is part of being so anxious.i hope this helps u a small bit and that u r feeling bit better. i get shaky but i feel like its all my insides that r shaking.make sure u hav eaten something even if only slice toast and cup t,as that too can make u shake.


09-02-07, 18:57
Thanks to everyone for your replies. I just have a hard time understanding how anxiety can do this. My head feels so weird today. Not a headache, just very spacey and pressure. I don't know what started this and how it came on so quick. I hope it stops soon. Can it really go on for weeks? Thanks to everyone.

09-02-07, 19:11
Hi Shelly

Just want to reinforce the message that these symptoms are so typical of anxiety, It is very difficult to convey to someone how much you cannot do the simplest things. It is like being in a mental wheelchair.

Chances are that your particular symptoms will change - depending on mood and things happening in your life, they may ease, but can just as suddenly come back again.

The key is to understand that the symptoms are purely anxiety (assuming doc has said you are otherwise OK). It is common for people to make regular visitis to doctor as it takes time to accept the symptoms.

Try not to dwell on symptoms - find plenty of distraction and if possible a shoulder to cry on - remember we are all here in the same boat for one another.



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers