View Full Version : 11 year old son having panic attacks

03-09-15, 09:40
Good morning

I have posted on this site before but I usually post on the HA forum.

I suffer with HA and anxiety and now my 11 year old son has started to have panic attacks.

It was very infrequent at first but it now happens everytime he is out of his comfort zone (flying, going out for the day etc.)

He started senior school yesterday and was ok but this morning was awful. He was in such a state and was shaking and felt sick and really ill. I keep trying to explain that its because he feels anxious but he doesn't realise and thinks that he's ill (which makes him worse). I ended up shouting at him and we were both crying when I dropped him to school :weep:

I've called my counselor this morning and she said for him to give her a call after school and hopefully he'll be willing to see her to chat.

Does anyone have any advice in the meantime? I feel so bad for sending him to school feeling like that. I know that I am making him worse because of my anxiety.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much!

03-09-15, 11:19
Hi Mum of 4
I haven't got any advice, all I can say is that I know how you are feeling, my 6 year old has panic attacks and it is heartbreaking. I have spoken to a therapist and she will probably start seeing her in about a month, she wants her to start school, see how she gets on with routine.
See how it goes with the counselor. Good luck xx