View Full Version : Still the same, if not worse

03-09-15, 13:58
This is still scaring me, posted it a few days ago, anyone advise or relate?

"I have been having symptoms of pains in my lower stomach for a few weeks, and also my back on one side and sometimes feels like bowels. I also had frequent weeing but it's not as bad now. I'm past menopause and haven't any bleeding or discharge, just the pain and bloating a bit. Nothing seems to be what it could be from reading on here, and I don't want to Google it as I'm so so scared of what it could be. What on earth else could it be, does anyone know?

I'm so worried about it and it seems to be going on and on with the same pains. Would I not feel really ill if it was the horrible 'C' word? Anyone with any support or just similar symptoms out there? Please, any info would be great."

03-09-15, 15:57
You doctor wasn't worried nor should you be. If you can't believe him, what could we say to help? There are pages of posts that are similar and all were anxiety related digestive issues.

Enjoy your vacation!

Positive thoughts

03-09-15, 20:46
Hi Fishmanpa, yes, my doc said he wasn't unduly concerned, he examined my stomach but said he didn't have Xray eyes and he did tell me to go back after my holiday. In the past you have been very helpful and helped me with an issue I had which turned out to be geographic tongue, not OC which I feared. However, what you have to realise is that people with health anxiety sometimes find it difficult to think positively. We come one here to get support, re-assurance and to talk, that is why I put posts on health forums, more than one in case the post is missed, that is surely what they are for? I have been good for months now but unfortunately, I've got symptoms which scare me.
When you say what could you on the forum say to help, well, if one person replied with more or less the same symptoms, then had found out it was nothing serious, that would go a long way to helping. It's the not knowing and having symptoms that could point to something bad, that directs us here to be re-assured. I know you are a great support on here, which is great. We with HA or any anxiety, find it hard to be logical at times. I felt good last night, quite convinced that I was ok, but today, more symptoms and I was worse. Also, because someone is anxious about their health, doesn't mean that they can't actually have something wrong with them, the pain is real, it's just the thought of what it might be that can make you scared. At the moment, I'm scared. Thanks for you reply and positive thoughts.

03-09-15, 20:53
kidney infection? x

03-09-15, 20:58
Hi Pepperpot, I had a urine test done that came back clear last week. It's more lower tummy pain and pressure on my bottom, I thought I had some blood earlier, pale looking, but I also had a Bowel C test a few months ago and that was ok too. I know it is something but I just want it to be something manageable and curable. I feel dreadful, sick of this :-(

03-09-15, 21:50
That's the point triple C... Do a search here and you'll find pages of similar posts that all turned out to be something benign and/or anxiety related.

Human bodies are just noisy. Meaning that we have aches, pains, bumps, lumps and a myriad of other things going on all the time. My stomach was so gurgly the other night it actually woke me up! ~lol~ Turns out I was FOS :D My wife has bloating and reflux all the time. It's food related. So a PPI and watching what she eats helps. I get it, for someone with HA that might have been a sign of colon cancer or the like but the reality is much different. Also, I understand HA sufferers are hyper focused on physical sensations. Combine that with Dr Google and you have the makings of a spiral or melt down

Long story short... What I saying is whatever is going on is in all likely hood nothing to be concerned with.

Hope you're going someplace nice!

Positive thoughts

03-09-15, 22:14
Thanks, I know that statistically what I have is probably explainable, I just want to know it's not nasty and for it not to spoil my holiday. I feel sorry for my husband, he just keeps saying "you'll be fine". I hope I'm on here telling you that once again you were right, you do talk sense. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to change tablets just before my hol, they may be making anxiety worse. I will refer again to your reply to this tomorrow if I feel bad again. I am off the the Algarve on Sunday, thank you :-)

---------- Post added at 22:14 ---------- Previous post was at 22:00 ----------

Thinks I've just got what FOS is, haha! :D

03-09-15, 23:39
I have no clue then :)
It doesn't sound too serious but I get where you're coming from as I've spent the best part of the night googling symptoms. I really must stop. :(

04-09-15, 00:25
Pepperpot, thanks for the empathy, we are all searching I suppose, wish I was more relaxed :-/

04-09-15, 21:50
Ahhh me too. I never had health anxiety until not too long ago. It is ridiculous now. I fear the worst for everything x