View Full Version : Inhaled food

03-09-15, 19:42
Today after work I went for a pizza with a friend. It had a lot of stringy cheese on it that was difficult to eat and at one point I felt a big long sring of it in my throat and it was very uncomfortable. I kind of tried to force it back up into my mouth rather than coughing (i still had food in my mouth) with my throat muscles and sort of succeeder but kept on swallowing and breathing unintentionally so I'm not really sure what happened.
Afterwards I coughed a fair amount and had some water but now I am worried I aspirated the cheese, especially if it was a fair amount.

I feel OK and can eat and drink normally now if not chewing a lot and my chest feels a bit funny but that might be cause of the forced coughing. Please help, I am worried.

03-09-15, 20:27
If you are ok now then I wouldn't worry. Your chest prob feels a bit funny cos you're looking for symptoms that something may be wrong, or it's panic. x

03-09-15, 23:02
If you don`t have breathing problems you are surely ok. I remember that the same thing happened to me with a peanut, it was not a whole peanut but rather a small piece of it. After i took it out i felt like it was still there. You will be ok

Worried 24/7
04-09-15, 04:31
I choked on some crushed pineapple one time and that was the first time I ever had a panic attack. I was convinced it was in my lungs and that's why I felt like i couldn't breath. I ended up going to the ER and they told me I was having a panic attack.

04-09-15, 05:09
The hairs of the lungs are pretty good at reacting and expelling things that shouldn't be in there. Nut fragments or things like bacon bits can occassionally get in there and give you some issues (my GP once checked this out on me when I was coming down with something as it would always affect my asthma when I was young) but it will come out with or without a doctor's help.

Don't worry about something like that. It's what people say "it's gone down the wrong hole" for but it's harmless and happens many times throughout life with food or liquids. The coughing probably was the expelling before it got that far?