View Full Version : Anxiety/panic about moving out

03-09-15, 21:02
Hello everyone. I would just like to say that I have not seen a doctor about anxiety and/or panic before because I've never experienced it before now. But I read some threads on the forums and you all seem very nice and supportive, so I thought I might consult you.

I live in Norway, I just turned 22, and I've been studying at university for two years now. During those two years I've lived with my parents because I study in my hometown and we live very conveniently in the city. Entering my third year I started to think about my living situation a bit more. I realised that I really didn't have many daily chores around the house, apart from helping my parents with all kinds of larger projects on the house, but very few day to day chores. I did not cook very often, I mainly studied and played video games, and one of my more recent friends had a spare room in his apartment; so I moved in.

Everything was just fine in the beginning of the process. I started to pack my things and bring it down piece by piece (still not finished), but the second evening/night in my new apartment I got some serious anxiety attacks. I couldn't fall asleep because I was freaked out about the fact that I wouldn't see my cat every day, I wouldn't see my family every day, I wouldn't have the spacial freedom that I used to have (my parents' house is big), I would start to accumulate debt (there is no tuition at Norwegian universities, but now that I live alone I have taken a loan/stipend (60-40) from a financial organisation that give loans to students) etc. The next day I got nauseated while at school and was feeling very tired. I brushed it off as an incoming illness, and because I didn't feel like cooking I had dinner with my parents instead, they live 5 minutes away. It was great; I got to see my cat again (which I absolutely love, I used to cuddle with her several times a day) and several times I choked up when I was back in what I think of as my home.

Sorry for the wall of text, I went into a trance and just kept on writing.

Now, I know it's healthy to be outside of your comfort zone, but I'm really starting to doubt whether this was a good decision or not. If anyone has had any similar experiences, I would love to hear your stories and tips.

03-09-15, 21:30
Hi there
Leaving home after 22 years is a big step so I think it is only normal to experience certain feelings. It sounds as if you were happy enough at your parents house so that maybe makes it a bit more difficult.
You can always think that your parents are close by and that you can go back whenever you want, by thinking that you can take away some of the anxiety.
I left home at 17 and it is a strange feeling at the beginning, after a while I got used to my own space and ways and then didn't want to go back.
Good luck x

03-09-15, 21:37
Thank you for replying. I suppose it will be better after a while, but what I really can't shake is the feeling that this moving out didn't feel like a natural "next move" for me. Somehow it feels like it was forced, I don't know why. But thank you anyway, I'll try to think happy thoughts