View Full Version : Weird Sensation in arms and legs.

03-09-15, 21:07
Hello everyone,
A little about me,
I suffer from anxiety, panic, and depression.
I have been on ativan 1mg -ish daily since last december and the past two weeks started Prozac.
Lately I have felt this weird sensation in my arms and legs. It most often occurs right after I awake in the morning or from a deep sleep/nap but I also tend to feel it when I've gone a bit too long without my ativan dose. The sensation feels like my legs or arms get numb or heavy and like they will twitch but they never do. Sometimes I will feel pins and needles. Could this be anxiety? I have a follow up with my doctor today and I will be bringing this up to him, but wanted to ask in here if anyone knows what I'm talking about.
Take Care

03-09-15, 21:20
See what he says, it could be anxiety or a side effect of the meds x

03-09-15, 23:49
My first ever experience with anxiety was a heavy numb feeling in both arms & legs with pins & needles x

04-09-15, 06:38
I get the tingling pins and needles sensations mainly in my arms with anxiety and especially when I'm having a panic attack.

06-09-15, 20:30
Ty everyone. He looked into the side effects and told me he doesn't see anything relating and that he doesn't think its the Prozac. Surprisingly since then it hasn't happened. Maybe I just needed reassurance that the new drug was ok. :) I have somewhat of a hard time starting new meds.