View Full Version : Is anxiety the explanation? HELP

03-09-15, 22:18
I am young and have always been very healthy, however in recent months I have been experiencing a strange array of symptoms which doctors seem unable to explain after many blood tests, heart monitoring and an MRI scan.

After much googling myself, I arrived at anxiety and panic attacks as a possible explanation for my symptoms, however I find it hard to believe that is the cause, as although I have experienced very difficult periods in my life recently and within the last few years, I feel I am an optimistic person who is able to cope.

Over the past months I suddenly experienced daily periods of heart palpitations or a pounding heart, numbness in my hands and a general sense of being detached from reality or 'not really there'. I find it very hard to describe, like I am suddenly slipping away from reality and the room is foggy.
I would also feel a great heaviness coming over my body especially my head and chest, like a weight was pressing down. I've had tightness and weakness in various body parts, mostly my legs and sometimes arms. I would feel like I was going to pass out and had no balance.

I have had a period where I lost my eyesight seeing double, lines floating across my vision and bright lights. None of my other symptoms accompanied this and after going to A&E they found nothing wrong with my eyes.

My symptoms have now improved from those periods however I now experience a very strong awareness of my pulse all over my body, from my stomach to my legs, shoulders and hands. I sometimes still feel dizzy with limb weakness or tingling and I also get pins and needles randomly and quite easily. My ears often feel blocked like I have to pop them and I have a swelling behind one but I feel that is unrelated.

Most recently I find it very difficult to fall asleep at night as I have been experiencing an internal shaking feeling, as if my insides are invisibly vibrating! This is often accompanied by a loud roaring in my ears which makes it hard to sleep. Whenever I finally begin to drift off, I am almost always jerked awake again by strange sensations.

I do sometimes have headaches or chest pain but don't worry too much as I know thats something that can happen and be completely benign. I have also had what I thought to be IBS for a few years now. Luckily I never have any breathing problems.

I was never anxious before but now naturally I am living in a state of anxiety when these strange unexplained symptoms hit, and I scare myself thinking that something terrible may be wrong with me. I will have good periods where I think things are returning to normal and then my symptoms will come back with a vengeance.

I know this is extremely long but I wanted to try give a full picture of my symptoms as I know it really sounds like some sort of anxiety attacks but any doctor is reluctant to say so! Thank you so so so much to anyone who takes the time to read this and respond!

04-09-15, 07:45
Hi Lune
To be honest is does sound completely like anxiety. Have you had a look at the symptoms list here on NMP.
I am surprised that no doctor has ever told you it could be that. You have been checked and you are ok otherwise so I think you will have to do something about your anxiety xxx

04-09-15, 11:47
Hi Sial72, I just had a look at the symptoms list there and as you can imagine, I have experienced practically every one! It's reassuring to see that anxiety is the obvious cause to all of this, thank you for your help :)