View Full Version : So 3 weeks now of pain under left rib...

04-09-15, 00:01
I'm starting to get a bit worried. I've done well so far up until now and actually have kept panic away. I've been saying to myself "just like everything else, this will pass", but actually it hasn't, and possibly has even gotten slightly worse.

I keep getting stitch like pains on the left side of my stomach and the general area of the bottom of my left ribs. I sometimes feel it in my back in the same location also and it sometimes radiates down my left side where your bowels are... but it's mainly my stomach towards the left side. I keep getting twinges and pains throughout the day.

Has anyone ever experienced anything similar?

Worried 24/7
04-09-15, 04:35
Not to be graphic, but do you go #2 regularly? I get pains like that when I haven't been going enough....

04-09-15, 10:01
It's actually been pretty normal in that respect! That's the weird thing.

04-09-15, 10:39
ever thought its ibs ?

04-09-15, 15:56
ever thought its ibs ?

I have... I've often thought I have IBS as for as long as I can remember, I've always had what you'd call 'nervous' bowels lol. I've never officially been told by a doctor that I have IBS though.

I just always thought that with an IBS flareup, you either get diarrhoea or constipation, or both. I have neither. Just this stomach pain :(

04-09-15, 16:27
You can get something called pain predominant IBS, which doesn't really cause any bowel problems just pain. If I was you I would go to a doctor and get some tests done, when it comes down to things like IBS I had two blood tests and two physical exam (My actual Doctor did the second exam as he wanted to make sure)

I have nervous bowels as you have put it and get stomach pains as well and my bowel movements are mostly normal but when stressed/nervous they can change but I get mostly pain which can be managed by medication. However I can't take it as it effects me in an odd way.


04-09-15, 16:45
You can get alot of pain in the place you describe from your large bowel as its loops up under the left rib. I know as I have had it in the past! I have IBS and tend to get wind pain more than anything and I have had awful pains under the left rib and its from my large bowel.
My IBS has improved alot since I have been on a strict diet to lose weight as I am eating same foods and not introducing anything new or eating too much.
Of course if it continues then do see your Dr as an ultrasound scan could be useful to rule out other things and possibly bowel tests as well but sounds like your a windy person!

04-09-15, 18:30
Thanks for the responses guys. I'm gonna see how it goes for the next week as I'm really trying hard to not run to the doctors again but yeah, if it continues, I'll pay them a visit. I think it is just an IBS flareup, it just makes me feel pretty lousy :/

04-09-15, 18:40

I agree with the waiting a week as you said it might just be an IBS flare up which most IBS suffers will experience. I wouldn't go running to the Doctors unless the pain is coursing problems in your life and not allowing you to sleep or do your day to day activities. However what you have written sounds very much like what my IBS pains are like try not to focus on the pain to much as it will feel worse than it actually is.

I hope you have a good week and the pain goes away.


05-09-15, 10:28
Hi kaye

Just thought I would let you know I was experiencing the same thing about six weeks ago, I think I had it for about a month or more. I have pain predominant IBS and my symptoms are exactly the same as yours. Peppermint oil capsules helped me a bit, but the be thing was learning to accept it for what it was. I have had no problems for the last four weeks.

If you like you can search through some of my old posts they are just like yours!

06-09-15, 02:08
Hi kaye

Just thought I would let you know I was experiencing the same thing about six weeks ago, I think I had it for about a month or more. I have pain predominant IBS and my symptoms are exactly the same as yours. Peppermint oil capsules helped me a bit, but the be thing was learning to accept it for what it was. I have had no problems for the last four weeks.

If you like you can search through some of my old posts they are just like yours!

Sounds like we have/had the same thing... Today it's been on and off. Earlier my upper abdomen was just feeling sore, but then I ate a meal out with friends and funnily enough after eating, I felt fine for a few hours. Now I'm getting twinges again.... How can you get this type of IBS to settle down? I feel like my digestive system needs to 'reset'.

06-09-15, 09:53
Buscopan does the trick

06-09-15, 10:11
Hi kaye

Acceptance that anxiety is the main problem helped me. I also have increased my fibre intake, but if you choose to do this I recommend doing it gradually or it could actually make things worse! Oh and don't forget to drink lots of water.

Best wishes.