View Full Version : panic over....the letter is hear

04-09-15, 08:27
Panic over...i went at 6.45am today to collect that letter.was very anxious all night and on the way there...it was my CRB come back...forgot all about that one..i aplied for a vol job 4 months ago ,has taken all this time...thanks for the suport on this and turning the thread around.

04-09-15, 09:42
So glad it's a good letter.

04-09-15, 09:43
told you not to worry :)

04-09-15, 10:00
You did andy..as i say my paranoia has got worse over the months making me think the bloody worse of things..ill have to try and relax a bit..good relief tho

04-09-15, 10:57
It's the uncertainty & control issue with anxiety, Greg, we need to know NOW!!!! I used to have a load of that when I was having problems with my employee when I went off the second time. Getting up to missed calls or messages used to ramp up my anxiety straight away. It was the "what ifs" and catastrophizing about things that were going on.

Glad it worked out ok. It's often something we forget and then we end up kkicking ourselves about getting worked up over it.

I was hoping it would be a huge tax rebate for you mate :D

04-09-15, 11:06
Lol...a tax rebate ,yea in my dreams mate..although dreams do come true,so my mum used to tell me as a kid,she bloody lied to me.lol.but you are right about thinking the worse and i am a very impasiont guy and a crap speller as you have prob noticed by now..i have a language and spelling of my own,which everyone has come to understand it.lol..

blue moon
04-09-15, 12:04
LOL Greg:D you just put smile on my face,I know what you mean about langage and spelling,I have to use dictionary but don't know how to spell the word to look it up.I spent months in learning to write proper,but still some days have trouble, I can understand everything you write:D


04-09-15, 12:10
Thanks blue...i know what you meen about not knowing how to spell it,in order to look it up in a dictionary..im the same...i just spell things as they sound..mus be dislectick ..lol

blue moon
04-09-15, 12:18

04-09-15, 19:20
Why do we always think the worst? I do the same, always have. I remember is Secondary School being told by my teacher that the head teacher wanted to see me. I was terrified!! When I got there he congratulated me on my good work :D

04-09-15, 21:02
Urgh I hate waiting. Glad it was the CRB check though - phewffffffff.