View Full Version : ear ringing/buzzing

04-09-15, 13:44
Ok so as usual I am thinking the worse case scenario, i.e brain tumour.
The ear ringing I have been getting for a long time but at times as such as now it is particularly noticeable.
usually I only notice it when its quiet.
I also get lightheadedness and feel off balance which has brought me to the conclusion that it must be something serious.
I very rarely get head aches but I have heard that head aches are not always a symptom of brain tumours.
I am very on edge at the moment which isn't helping either.
Could this been down to anxiety??

04-09-15, 14:55
Google labrynthitis xxx

04-09-15, 17:18
Hi hun, I've suffered with ear conditions for 5 years, all the symptoms you have, I've had, and at first I wouldn't believe that my little ears could cause all that, but they did. Get your ears checked, cause if there's any infection it will need to be treated.