View Full Version : Lymph Nodes again.

04-09-15, 14:48

So I have posted before about the fact I have a couple of Lymph Nodes in my neck that are swollen. Two weeks ago I had an Ultrasound on the neck the ENT who did it said I have some reactive Lymph Nodes in my neck but nothing to worry about. I stopped messing with them I think but I might be doing it without knowing it.

Okay the problem is one of the Lymph Nodes above my Adams apple has gotten bigger since the Ultrasound, I have two that I can feel one is twice the size of the other but the large on has been that way for a while and hasn't changed at all. However the smaller one which I never really worried about has doubled since the Ultrasound, I don't know if it is up for some reason such as an Illness I haven't really got like a cold or may be its from shaving. It has gotten bigger, I had an appointment with my doctor on Tuesday (IBS check up) and he said he wouldn't worry about them unless they get a lot bigger.

I am worried even after being told they are fine, I wouldn't have minded if this had happen before the Ultrasound as then they would have noticed it but as it has happened after it I am worried.

I have a Lymph Node that I have a habit of messing with do you think that me messing with this one could have made the other larger? They are not to far apart I guess I am just asking for something to help me and give me a good reason to stop messing as so far nothing works.

The Lymph Nodes are still small and can only be felt and not seen they do move a little when I touch them. I have spots and I think I may have had a slight problem with my Gum last week as it hurt for two days but I still don't know why this Lymph Node is getting larger.


04-09-15, 15:24
Poking and prodding will definitely aggravate them. Other than wearing one of these...


It comes down to will power...

Positive thoughts

04-09-15, 16:31

I know its mostly down to will power, I do need to stop the checking as I have said I had an ultrasound and it was fine and after having the lymph nodes for 10 weeks and them suddenly changing after this is more than likely down to me starting to get ill or something along them lines. Or down to the fact that I keep messing with different Lymph Nodes making this one get a little larger.

That picture and idea did make me laugh which made me glad as I haven't done much of that over the past 3 months. Thanks for that.

I guess I need to become better and not poke prod and mess every 10 minutes it will be hard but fingers crossed.
