View Full Version : White area side of tongue

04-09-15, 21:49
Hi all,

I recently (4 weeks ish ago) started taking Sertraline 50mg from anxiety/depression problems. I think the medication caused me to grind my teeth, or something did...and I gave myself a sore side of the tongue which went slightly white like a lesion (not painful but irritable). After a few days it started to fade and I couldn't notice it at all but kept looking, then it came back again, but some days I can barely tell it's there. I'm conscious my sharp tooth keeps catching that area and irritating it (recently had a filling done and it's sharp!). I was not sure if it's in my head but I was terrified it was mouth cancer of course.

I went to the doctor yesterday and explained the symptoms and he had a look and said it was nothing sinister, just a typical sign of some trauma that will go down. But it keeps coming and going.

I'm still so worried. Why isn't doctor reassurance enough for me anymore? Ugh.


04-09-15, 22:13
If you had mouth cancer, it would not come and go on its own! It would stay and get bigger.

The whiteness of it is just because it's in a wet area. Canker sores are also white for this reason. Ever have a cut that look white when you get out of of pool? They turn white and when they dry they go back to red. Same with a band aid over a cut - white.

The reason it is coming and going is due to repeated irritation plus moisture. It will heal eventually! Rinse with salt water to keep it clean.

It's all in your head, don't worry! :)