View Full Version : pain in lower right abdomen. assuming its appendicitis.

05-09-15, 03:29
hey everyone.
I have been anxiety free for a few weeks. but now im back to it unfortunately.
I got constipated again. didnt think to much of it. ate more fiber and finally got some out. but for the day before I kept straining. and then I woke up. and my lower right abdomen started feeling sore as I would get up. and stuff.
so now im scared its appendicitis. it doesnt hurt constantly. only when I stand up and stretch . when I press on it . doesnt hurt. but since im overweight its probably because my fat cushions the area. so im worried about appendicitis.
no fever to my knowledge. no vomiting or nausea. just the random pain.

so have any of you had appendicitis or a similar fear? if so let me know what you think .
thank you.

05-09-15, 16:13
you just answered your question when you said you straining when you go toilet you would of torn your muscle i done exactly the same and thought the same as you plus the reason you keep feeling it there is because a torn muscle will take months to heal without warming up seems stupid but true when i did same as you my muscle healed in 9 months the way your speaking that it only hurts when you stretch and strain i am most confident thats what you done and i am overweight aswell

05-09-15, 18:19
yeah. that makes sense. thanks alot! :)