View Full Version : so anxious

05-09-15, 05:46
I have always had a sevier seperation anxiety with my mom . I'm 21 years old so so it is very debilitating in my life it hold me back from so much. but the reason why I'm posting this is for some help. in January my mom is going to be going to africa (zanzibar) for 2 months to do volunteer work in am orphanage. but this whole trip is causing me to have so much anxiety and worrie and bad thoughts. at home I call my mom like 5 times a day and that's what I'm use to ( I've Ben trying to slow down the amount of calling) but when she is In Africa I'm going to only be able to call her 1 time a week and just that scares me so much that I won't be able to get a hold of her. . I feel like I'm going to end up In a mental hospital from having a nervous breakdowm when she's gone. all I can think is bad thoughts and I just want these thoughts to leave my head. I'm worried that I'm going to loose my job over this to. I don't know what to do . have any of you gone through anything like this ? please so help me and let me know what you did. and I'm sorry if this is all hard to read . I have trouble making sense sometimes so please bare with me
thank you for your time

05-09-15, 06:28
Hi islander and welcome to the forum. I haven't had the same as what you have, but you will get lots of support from people on here. Have you had any kind of counseling for this or maybe even medication to help ease the symptoms?

05-09-15, 09:35
Hi Islander. Aww I'm sorry to hear this. I have no clue about separation anxiety but maybe you could write her like a diary instead of talking to her? Write down how you feel and what you would talk about every time you'd normally pick up the phone? X