View Full Version : Feel like it's not worth living.

05-09-15, 07:45
So, lately my anxiety has been at a high. Every second I have pain and shortness of breath, I can barely care for myself or go outside because my anxiety prevents it. Sometimes I feel like death would be better, as there would be no more pain. I feel dragged down every single day, like there is a 100 ton weight on my chest, my sleep schedule is screwed, the amount of things I fear is way too high, and everything seems dim and gloomy. What was so much fun for me before seems like it won't matter, and that there is nothing to it. Any help?:weep:

05-09-15, 18:18
Yes. Your life is worth something. You are worth something....regardless of how you feel now.

05-09-15, 20:22
Your anxiety is making you think.like this. Absolutely eveything in life is cyclical (I don't know if that is the correct word). Nothing lasts forever and the fact that you are feeling like this now does not mean that you will always feel this way. You CAN get better. I was once like you are now and got over it. Hang in there.
Are you on any meds? Have you had therapy? Xxx

05-09-15, 23:28
Hi Tony, I agree with both of the above posts. When you feel this way it's the anxiety talking. You wouldn't 'normally' think like this. It's hard I know, I've had those thoughts too. But then I remember that once the anxiety eases off so do those thoughts. I remember that I don't always stay like this and that this too will pass. As Sial asked, are you taking any medication or therapy to help you through this? Xo.

06-09-15, 06:33

I agree with the above but I can also say I have had many periods of what Leah has described. It does lift and it does get better and it's the anxiety that at times beats you to your knees and you just want some form of escape. It's not that you want to die, it's just that it would be simpler and when it lifts you find those thoughts go away. It's desperation talking and it doesn't last.

Do things in small steps. Try to pick a job to look after yourself, just one, even if it's having a wash. At first you need to make yourself do these things but just keep adding them bit by bit until you re-establish some basic routines and from there it gets easier.

06-09-15, 18:52
Thanks everyone for your replies. I do not have therapy nor medication, my mom doesn't want me on meds and we can't really afford therapy as we are on a super tight budget.