View Full Version : Fear after reading the news (poss trigger)

05-09-15, 09:19
I dunno why I did it. I read a news article about the current going ons. I usually avoid the news at all costs, and if someone tries to chat to me about it I cut them short. Well last night I stupidly read an article and seen some pics and I couldn't sleep for fear of "them" terrorizing my town and my home. I really cannot get this out of my head and I'm so tired this morning :(

06-09-15, 05:09
Try some distraction, Pepperpot. Get some exercise too if you can to burn off some adrenaline and tire you out.

Is this some sort of terrorist article? If so, remember we love in a very safe country where these events are on the rare side as we have security forces looking after us. I live in a Midlands city and no one really cares enough about us lot to waste their time anyway...


06-09-15, 06:35
Hi Pepperpot, I also avoid the news. I find it quite depressing. I agree with Terry's advice above. Distraction and some exercise. I'm hopeless at exercise but find distraction is great. Xo.

06-09-15, 10:20
Yeah it was a terrorist article. I hate the news. I try and avoid it at all costs. I will distract myself, I'm just so sick of always having to distract/entertain myself til I'm exhausted cos if I relax I think about things. Thanks for listening to me moan guys x

06-09-15, 12:55
Hi Pepperpot
I avoid the news as well, have done for years. I find it upsetting and not balanced and realistic. It is always bad news and the world has bad stuff going on but plenty of good as well.
People must sometimes think I'm ignorant because I don't know what's going on in the world lol, but...I don't care.
You'll soon have it out if your mind xxx

06-09-15, 13:03
Pepper pot I'm on the same page as you with this. All the goings on in the world are so scary. I said to my partner the other day where can we emigrate to!! He said we'd have a job on doing that with your agoraphobia :roflmao:

06-09-15, 23:34
Sial: I usually don't know what's going on either and I constantly find myself having to say to people "I don't watch the news" when they are talking about recent news and I stare at them blankly lol.

Bernie: that tickled me lol. X

07-09-15, 05:00
I can remember feeling like this about war breaking out and also when some big change happened, like a gneral election. I never had it before so I suspect it was just due to a highly sensitised state.

Thesedays, and for a good while now, I can read or watch any form of bad news and to be honest, I'm desensitised to it and just shrug it off.