View Full Version : tongue cancer worry

05-09-15, 09:25
Hey everyone, I am so worried and anxious at the moment. I went to the dentist last week due to having a dry mouth and my tongue was white had been like it for about a week. He checked me out and said he was referring me to the hospital because he could see some lumps on my tongue, put me into a right panic fearing the worse, he did say it was a routine referal and did not think it was anything to worry about. The next day I went to see my gp he looked in my mouth said he could not see any lumps but did say he can't see as far back as my dentist, he gave me some anti fungal cream for my tongue. But yesterday and today I am so anxious again, I keep feeling my neck for lumps, I mean I was doing it all day yesterday and I keep finding small lumps, I do smoke I'm 34 and I'm scared to death there is something serious wrong I keep crying and getting upset.

05-09-15, 09:41
Hey, I'm sorry you feel like this. So are you waiting for the hospital to book you in? In the meantime try and cut down on the cigs anyway; you'll feel the benefit and your wallet/purse will be much heavier ;)

05-09-15, 09:48
Yes just waiting for my appointment, annoyed with myself about the smoking I stopped for nearly 2 years and started again about a month ago, trying to give up again, do you think if it was anything they would get me seen urgent x

05-09-15, 12:26
Hi Jay

Recently been through the same with the white marks on my tongue it was there for a month , also a "bump" and a lession .

Seems it was my teeth rubbing on my tongue and my mouth was also dry in the night and my tongue was welding itself to my teeth .

The dentist said to use a mouth wash daily and when i went back it had cleared .
Tongues do have the odd bumps and crevices and my doctor told me a referal is absolutely nothing to worry about its just to be 100 % certain .

Your age is also on your side you have just damaged your tongue by the sounds of it .

Try not to keep prodding and checking and when i did this i got pains in my neck and jaw through messing and poking .

Also use the search function on here there are loads of old posts similiar to yours and everyone was fine

05-09-15, 12:29
Remember the facts: write them down if it helps.

Your doctor could see nothing and your dentist said it was a routine referral: a professional has told you he doesn't think it's anything to worry about.

If cancer was suspected they certainly wouldn't be making you wait a long time for a referral - they'd be getting you in as soon as possible. They're obviously not worried about it, it's likely a referral just to check it out.

Tongue cancer is a rare cancer type.

You're still young. The majority of mouth cancers occur in older people.

05-09-15, 12:30
Yes just waiting for my appointment, annoyed with myself about the smoking I stopped for nearly 2 years and started again about a month ago, trying to give up again, do you think if it was anything they would get me seen urgent x

Yes .....its called fast track seen within a month iirc .

But having said that My Doctor would fast track anyway as he knows i,m a worrier and anxiety brings on depression with me .

05-09-15, 12:36
Mel thank you so much for reading my post and replying, I'm trying my best not to worry and put it at the back of my mind. Keep telling myself if it was anything serious they would arrange me to be seen in a few weeks x

---------- Post added at 12:36 ---------- Previous post was at 12:32 ----------

Thanks jack that's very reassuring! , specially the way you have listed everything like that. Thanks again.

05-09-15, 13:43
Mel thank you so much for reading my post and replying, I'm trying my best not to worry and put it at the back of my mind. Keep telling myself if it was anything serious they would arrange me to be seen in a few weeks x

---------- Post added at 12:36 ---------- Previous post was at 12:32 ----------

Thanks jack that's very reassuring! , specially the way you have listed everything like that. Thanks again.

You're very welcome my friend. I find it helps to write down the facts - I've actually got a section on my iPhone under 'notes', dedicated to all the facts I know about my health vs the worries I have. Just keep some faith and remember life is for living. You have every right to be happy. They say if we all threw our problems into a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd soon grab our own back!

05-09-15, 15:34
I'm a head and neck cancer survivor. What you describe doesn't present as such. You're being checked as a matter of routine and I fully expect this to be fungal. Having a dry mouth is a major reason for fungal development. After my treatment, the lack of saliva caused several cases of thrush. While it's uncomfortable, it's not sinister. Also, I didn't have any symptoms. In fact, I didn't suspect a thing until a node swelled up on my neck as it had already spread. Truth is, I had it for at least a year before that and had no idea. I had an unknown primary infection (rare) but they think it started on the back of my tongue due to the proximity of the nodes it infected.

You've said it yourself but I will reiterate the need to quit smoking. I was a smoker and that along with other lifestyle choices are the reason for my cancer. Hopefully, this scare will be the catalyst to quit.

Positive thoughts

05-09-15, 16:17
ever thought you have a geometric tounge ? its very rare what you decribed thats what it could be my sister has it

06-09-15, 22:23
Thanks for all your replies to my post, I'm trying not to let things get to me just finding it a bit hard at the moment, I'm still constantly feeling my neck and keep finding small lumps, don't know if they are normal or not. The more i feel it seems like i find more, I really need to stop it's just making me even more anxious.

08-09-15, 08:32
I'm rely sorry to post again, last night I thought I could feel something when I was swallowing, so I put my finger in my mouth right to the back of my tongue, freaked out cus I found a lump does not feel that big in the middle of my tongue. This must be the lump I'm being referred about. I'm so scared can only think it will be one thing! Please can anyone help me. I'm so worried and in a right state at the moment.

08-09-15, 20:07
I'm rely sorry to post again, last night I thought I could feel something when I was swallowing, so I put my finger in my mouth right to the back of my tongue, freaked out cus I found a lump does not feel that big in the middle of my tongue. This must be the lump I'm being referred about. I'm so scared can only think it will be one thing! Please can anyone help me. I'm so worried and in a right state at the moment.

Remember your facts - the dentist said this is a routine referral. A PROFESSIONAL in this area said they didn't believe it to be anything sinister.
These people are trained for years and years to spot the signs of anything nasty, and if they thought for one minute it could be such a horrible disease, they'd urgently refer you. They didn't urgently refer you so try to stay calm my friend.

08-09-15, 21:44
Hi Jay

Agree with the above 100 %

I know 2 people who went through the same with a lump , it was nothing nasty in referal .

If you remember Jeremy Clarkson had the same wait which was his excuse for kicking off and getting the sack .....he was also fine .

The wait is absolute pants o know but hang on in there Jay you will be fine .

09-09-15, 08:34
I was seen for the same thing.

It was simply down to the fact that I have a bad bite and I was biting my tongue a bit in my sleep.

The oral man took one look and knew what it was straight away. He said that usually if it was OC you would have one lump and it is often discoloured. So I really wouldn't worry too much... I know! Easier said than done for HA sufferers.

10-09-15, 22:42
Thanks guys have had my appointment come through today for 29th October at the dental hospital, trying my best not to worry and let the anxiety take over.

16-09-15, 22:18
Sorry to post again, i keep checking my mouth and have noticed the last few days when I look at my right tonsil when there is friction applied there is a small amount of white discharge coming out, does anybody know if this is normal, I don't have a saw throat or in any pain or do you think it could be linked to the problem with tongue, sorry again for posting.

16-09-15, 23:24
Hi Jay

I honestly think all the proding and looking is the cause ....your mind will be on in 24 / 7 .

I know if i looked in my mouth something would worry me ( did it 5 years with my 6 month sore throat ) .

My throat is sore and my neck as well , i,m still focused on my tongue .

My own doing i know this :blush:

Discharge from the tonsil area could be post nasal drop had it before .