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View Full Version : Worried egg stuck in fallopian tube

05-09-15, 10:14
So I started getting intense bouts of back/side pain going down towards my groin about 8 days ago while on holiday. The French hospital thought kidney stones, I wasn't happy it was ongoing and came home, saw my GP who has ordered a routine kidney CT scan (in 7 days time from today) and also referred my to a gyno as he said it could be endometriosis due to my terrible periods too. Thing is the pain has now settled on my lower pelvis on the right side where I imagine my ovary is - and it's ovulation week and I've been getting really fluidy discharge whereas normally it's thick and this spot is hurting on and off mildly all the time (I'm not in severe pain) but I'm so terrified that an egg has got stuck in my fallopian tube and it will swell up and burst and then leak into my abdomen and give me septicaemia and I'll die - or I'll have to have emergency surgery and have general anaesthesia and I'll never wake up. I've had about 40 different tests on my blood, all completely normal and clear. Also been having intense dizzy episodes so convinced I keep having strokes. I can't book another GP app until Monday morning and the pain isn't bad enough to warrant A&E. I've also still meant to be on holiday, it was a 3 month trip, and every day I spend here is wasting time which could be spent in France, feeling very guilty about this for my bf who is also missing out on his hol that we both quit our jobs for.

I'm a complete mess, can't stop being terrified about the pain, depressed, haven't even got dressed, don't want to eat. Keep researching all possible ovary problems or cancers online. I can't stand not knowing why I am having these pains - I NEED TO KNOW WHY. Surely if the CT is just on my kidneys it couldn't detect ovary and fallopian tube issues. I just want to curl up and disappear. Maybe I should just go to A&E and demand all these tests

05-09-15, 12:06
Dear Lele, you have got yourself on to a horrendous 'what-if" merry-go-round - I know how horrible that is! The more you think and ruminate, the worse it gets and in the end nothing makes sense, but you still 'know for sure' that whatever is going on, it is life-threatening. Well, it isn't. First of all, a human egg is tiny - 0.12mm in diameter, about as thick as a single strand of hair. I don't think it has the potential to swell and burst, so put that out of your mind. You say it is ovulation week - well, that could account for the current pain and discomfort. i used to get quite bad ovulation pain every month and a change in discharge consistency, too. all that is quite normal. Women of childbearing age do often get pains and other symptoms related to their cycle - a gynaecologist would soon put your mind at rest. After you have had the current tests, go back to France and enjoy your stay there. And - I speak from experience - French healthcare is EXCELLENT - you will be perfectly safe there. I hope you feel better soon. :hugs: from Annie

05-09-15, 17:59
Woooah. You are seriously catastrophising your symptoms here. If you have an ectopic, you would have a positive pregnancy test, probably brown bleeding as well as the pain. I know, I've had two. I didn't die.

It does sound like ovulation pain.... Or endometriosis. Both very common.

05-09-15, 18:07
I was just about to say the same thing Spacebunny , Endometriosis can cause severe pain and so can harmless cysts .
My sister had endometriosis and she would curl up on pain .

I think most of us women will have had the type of pain you describe at some time in their lives X

05-09-15, 18:09
I had a lifetime of ovulation pain until I became meno in my late 40's. I had many hospital admissions because the pain was so bad and always on only the one side. What happened with me was that the pain would get worse and worse ( going from sitting to standing was agony as was using the loo or if I put my foot down to hard when walking) and after about 3-5 days if it didn't stop I would get sent to hospital in case it was appendicitis as it was always right sided and then ultrasound would show nothing as by then the ovulation cyst had burst and all had gone.
Eventually everyone realised what was happening and it was explained to me that some women have usually just one ovary that every time it releases an egg it also develops a cyst of fluid and this cyst causes the pain, once it has burst and released the egg the pain goes away.
Kidney stones are always another possibility so these do need to excluded as they can get stuck and cause unbelievable pain.

06-09-15, 03:22
I often get ovarian cysts and what you're experiencing sounds similar. I think it's pretty common for us to have all these weird niggling pains every now and then. Xo.