View Full Version : Getting motivated to go to the shops

Pieter Bruinsma
05-09-15, 11:31
Well here I am, having another stress. I have got dressed, new clothes too! (which is a rare for me, I think i have some socks dating back to the early 90's lol)
Now Im a fella who like routine, I like to know where I am going and what I am doing in advance. I go to work ok, because I leave at the same time every day, but the weekends......well thats another story.
Right now I am in need of milk and I cant get motivated to get out the door, into the car and drive a few miles to the shop.
I just dont have the ooompf to get out there.

Im probably overthinking the negatives, the people I will see, will I have to que at the till?
Will people be looking at me?
What are they thinking?

I just keep putting it off. Im at a point now where my legs are twitching and aching (I have fibromyalgia too) and although its painful, the short walk to the car and from the car to the shop is probably a good thing for my legs....but still.....Im properly crapping myself.

My wife is at work and I cant wait all day for her to finish so I can make a cuppa......I just need milk.

I just need pushing out that door, I know it will be ok....

05-09-15, 12:09
Could you try promising yourself a really great reward if you go in to the store? Anything could work - maybe a milkshake or a pop (I love cherry coke but don't drink pop often, so a trip to Sonic often motivates me!).

Or, it could be something you do when you get home. Maybe you could promise yourself your favorite movie, favorite snack, take a nap - whatever!

I've found it's usually much easier to bear fast little trips that cause anxiety when there's that really awesome light at the end of the tunnel!

05-09-15, 12:35
If you dont have a cup of tea in your hand in the next 30 minutes your in big trouble with me mate ...lol..

Its bloody difficult when you keep putting it off been there done that :blush:

Go for it mate i know you can do it and you will feel great for doing

05-09-15, 14:28
I hope you had that cup if tea...x

05-09-15, 19:41
Hope you made it to the shops this morning and had your cuppa.

Pieter Bruinsma
07-09-15, 11:34
Got there and back and I don't get why I was so anxious.
Took me 3 hours to get into gear and less than 10 mins to get it and come back.
Sometimes I want to kick myself.

07-09-15, 14:05
Haha what are we all like...if it wasn't because it is not funny, it would be funny, if you know what I mean x

09-09-15, 17:47
Yeah, you got your cuppa. :D

09-09-15, 22:20
Got there and back and I don't get why I was so anxious.
Took me 3 hours to get into gear and less than 10 mins to get it and come back.
Sometimes I want to kick myself.
