View Full Version : Panic attacks for no reason?

05-09-15, 18:06
I started to have what I believe to be anxiety attacks for no apparent reason, I experienced my first one while I was relaxing watching tv! It was after a stressful period but the stress had finally passed, so I find it strange that the attack would occur afterwards instead of during.
I'm not an overly anxious person, in fact my symptoms are the only things that cause me stress or anxiety! I don't understand why I am so physically affected but not mentally.
Has anyone else had experience of this??

05-09-15, 18:49
I am exactly the same. I have more stress about my physical symptoms than anything else! I also have periods of anxiety and panic attacks long after the events that I think trigger them. I am finding progressive relaxation and guided meditation help, but you have to commit to them (especially the relaxation), and do them regularly.
I've had 2 days back at work (teaching) after a ridiculously tense 2 weeks working up to going back, and have spent most of today asleep. Thinking that's got to be positive - I must have needed it as it takes a lot out of you being tense all the time.
Hope you feel better soon x

05-09-15, 19:01
I have panic/panic attacks for no reason. I could have a great day filled with laughter and all of a sudden bam I can't breath and I have an adrenaline rush.. Bloody awful xx

05-09-15, 20:54
That's reassuring to know I'm not the only one with primarily physical anxiety - it's hard to accept anxiety is the cause of the physical symptoms when I don't even feel stressed! That then leads to being worked up about situations due to being afraid it'll hit again without warning for no reason.
I feel it's also harder to eliminate this type of anxiety because you have no idea why you're feeling this way!

05-09-15, 21:27
I say that all the time. Why am I anxious when I'm not even stressed?? Strange isn't it xx

05-09-15, 22:07
It's crazy, I didn't even know anything like this could happen until it happened to me! Hope you both sort things out soon x

05-09-15, 23:07
I had 3 panic attacks in a row the other night when cooking dinner. I felt fine before that. Now I have that constant anxiety left which is slowly easing. It's horrible. I keep trying to accept the sensations that as horrible as they feel they won't hurt me. But far out it's hard. So, I think although it feels like the panic attack has come from nothing, I think that usually there's an underlying stressor. Which I know I had.

06-09-15, 21:53
Yes I agree, there must be a underlying reason, just such a strange way for stress to suddenly manifest itself. Hope your anxiety has passed!

Vanilla Sky
06-09-15, 22:36
Even when we are relaxed , our brain is still on the go ! some triggers just happen without even being aware at the time , but once they are figured out eg a smell , something on tv , something thats been said etc etc, makes us more aware of how to handle things :)

07-09-15, 06:24
In my opinion, panic attacks strike all of a sudden, with no notice. Regularly, there is no unmistakable explanation behind the assault. They may even happen when you're relaxed or sleeping.