View Full Version : positive weekend

05-09-15, 20:09
Having a good time with my daughter.she come over friday and is going home sunday evening..last night we sat cuddled up in front of the tv all night with sweets and drinks..got uo and went to mcds for breakfast ,come home and watched a couple of films.then off to the cinema to watch Mission imposible.then after that to franky and bennies for a meal.back home in front of the tv for the x factor.got a bittle of wine for me and soft drinks for my girl...going to watch a film after that..then tomorow chill out watching tv and films and i will help her with her homework..have talked about christmas plans,all very exciting..so having a good weekend...i will remember for ever....:hugs:

05-09-15, 20:15
That's lovely to hear Greg. You're storing up some great memories too.
My children are all grown up now,but I remember doing all these sort of things with them.Really happy for you.:)

05-09-15, 20:23
Wonderful news Greg :)

05-09-15, 23:17
How many bloody films are you watching here??!!!
Hehehe - just joking. Glad you's are having a good time - I had plan of watching X Factor with a glass of wine but I felt too sorry for myself and come to bed instead x

blue moon
05-09-15, 23:39
Glad you are having a lovely weekend,Greg :D
I am going to watch movies today.

Petra x:hugs:

06-09-15, 16:09
Thanks guys..we watched a few films on the end.and its 4pm sunday now and have watched three films today all cuddled up on the sofa.only got two more hrs and then she goes home..very sad..still we had a lovely time together.

08-09-15, 06:34
I'm glad you had a good weekend, Greg.

Keep those memories in mind afterwards. It can help to bring them back by thinking about them or with the use of a smell that reminds you off them to trigger memories. Cakes, for instance...:D

08-09-15, 09:48
Yhanks terry,will do mate...i might be having her again this weekend;to tie it in with my benefits pay so that i have her every two weeks on my pay day...so bonus having her again.ill be having my 16 year old neice fri night to so my daughter can have female company for one night.

08-09-15, 09:54
Sounds good mate. Those fortnights will soon fly by and I bet she will really appreciate them as she gets so upset when she has to leave.

Some good positive stuff to pull you along and give you things to recover for. The more of these things get scheduled in, the less time you will have to slip and it will gain momentum and you just keep making more gains.

You've sounded much more positive on a regular basis recently and your daughter is easily the most significant reason for that.

08-09-15, 10:25
Yea your right mate..i live for her visits and the two weeks do go quick..before i know it,she is coming round and when she does,we have a great time together.hopefuly things will continue and ill have her over the christmas time,for the first time in three years..

08-09-15, 10:28
awesome news Greg ,I know how much my daughter means to me and makes me smile when im down

08-09-15, 10:33
Cheers andy..yes a wonderful experiance isnt it,my daughter sits with me all snuggled up on the sofa while we watch tv together.she dsnt even do this with her mum at home,so this makes me feel special and tells me she must feel very relaxed and loved when she is with me.

08-09-15, 11:10
Yeah, Xmas would be great. I guess maybe it would be a bit of a share for that period but I'm sure you will see her and get to spend time together. I think that would give you an even bigger boost, like it will be for things like birthdays as I'm sure those special days hit home when you weren't seeing her.

I'm really pleased this is happened to you, Greg, you deserve it mate! A few months back you were upset over not seeing her and look how great things are now and how much better it has made you feel.

08-09-15, 12:04
Thats true terry.yes it has picked me up a lot,i still have my days tho anxiety depression,but manage that better now..xmas time would be great..two days befor xmas until xmas day 12pm.she will be hear with me.we can watch xmas tv together and both want to watch that xmas film polar express.great film.makes you feel realy christmasy..and i get to see her little face first thing xmas morning and open our presants..xant wait for the time to go and get to christmas..

08-09-15, 12:41
oh no - two teenage females - you must be mad ;) They'll eat you alive!!!!! :)

Don't feel sad when she goes - instead start planning for the next visit to keep you occupied. x

08-09-15, 12:44
Pepperpot.only one girl not two...13 years old..she has turetts autisum and ADHD.so needs alot of focus and attention when she is hear.but lucky for me i trained in all these areas and worked in this field for 8 years so understand her needs.in fact she is far more well behaved when she is with me so never any problems..

08-09-15, 12:47
Oh I thought I read your niece was coming to stay??

---------- Post added at 12:47 ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 ----------

I have a 13yr old daughter - I feel your pain lol. :roflmao:
Oh well that's a bonus that you're aware of her needs, although tbh I think you would be just fine without "training" as she's your daughter and you'd manage just fine.x

08-09-15, 12:51
Oh yes thats right ,sorry i thought you were talking about how many kids i have..yes this weekend for one of the two nights my girl is staying,i have my niece staying.she is 16 and gets on realy well with my girl..my neice is quite imature for her age anyway...but all three of us have a good laugh and often i get the karaoke out and we all have a sing song and i post it on my facebook..good laugh

---------- Post added at 12:51 ---------- Previous post was at 12:49 ----------

Pepperpot,my daughter is a handfull at her mums,very demanding and my X really struggles with her.but when she is at my home,she is totaly different for some reason...

08-09-15, 13:08
Oh yes thats right ,sorry i thought you were talking about how many kids i have..yes this weekend for one of the two nights my girl is staying,i have my niece staying.she is 16 and gets on realy well with my girl..my neice is quite imature for her age anyway...but all three of us have a good laugh and often i get the karaoke out and we all have a sing song and i post it on my facebook..good laugh

---------- Post added at 12:51 ---------- Previous post was at 12:49 ----------

Pepperpot,my daughter is a handfull at her mums,very demanding and my X really struggles with her.but when she is at my home,she is totaly different for some reason...

Dads and their daughters :)
Ah well, it's good that she is like that with you, it will also give her mam a break too as it must be hard work on her. I like to get the kinect out for the xbox and play Just Dance with my daughter - although it becomes very competitive hahaha x

08-09-15, 13:26
Yea your right pepperpot,she is truley a daddys girl for sure..i dont have a wii but have a xbox..we play games on that,but most of all she loves play fighting which is what we do a lot,plus i take her ice skating wich she loves esp as i get on the ice with her.we are both pritty good at it to...then a meal out.i can only do this because my bennefits have gone up a bit tho..but i always make sure we have fun.and when the evening comes we snuggle under a duvet on the sofa and watch tv with some sweets or cakes we have made.so a packed weekend..

08-09-15, 13:42
Blimey, Greg, I admire you for your skills coping with your daughter's condition. My daughter is on the autistic spectrum too but also has overwhelming anxieties/OCD so finds it very hard to relax and watching a DVD would be very difficult for her/nigh on impossible. You've done very well to get her so relaxed especially with the ADHD as well.

08-09-15, 14:04
Thanks pulsa..well she has anxiety to..and paranoia..always thinks gangstars are put on every corner and she wont go out if its dark.she finds it hard to walk past strangers and wont go near pubs,cos she thinks everyone in there are thugs.her needs are high but i know how to handle them i supose..she likes things done her way and is very hard to change them if you agree to her tearms...thats my girl.i just think the change in ceanery at my home makes her more relaxed and i interact a lot with her that helps

09-09-15, 04:47
Sounds great, Greg. It will be a very special Xmas for you both this year. Another positive project to work on and something to pull you through the tough times the rest of this year.

It's good to hear that you are coping with the anxiety/depression better now. Things are all coming together nicely :yesyes::yahoo:

09-09-15, 10:26
Thanks terry..yea things are better but still having bad times mate that are getting on my nervs....today after a good night sleep iv woken very anxious and irritated.im in my charity shop today and dont feel like talking to anyone..can never understand this after all these good thing going on for me...:mad:

09-09-15, 10:49
I know it's very frustrating. When my blips come you get all the negatives with them and you start thinking about how you can ever get better when it keeps happening. We just have to keep trying. I could understand it if something happened to make me feel worse but there can be no triggers. It's just the essense of GAD to me.

What we have to remember at these times is that if we rewind 6 months, we didn't even have some of the good days we have now. So, spin forward 6 months and you could be having even better days or more of them or both. Just keep that in mind.

It's a very hard thing to recover from so it is always going to take ages. I don't buy these people who are "cured" in a week from something unless we are talking a physical deficiency. The mind takes a while to change those neural pathways.

09-09-15, 10:54
Cheers terry..your reponses allways slaps me in the face and wakes me up and takes me away from negitive thoughts.good advice mate as allways.i never thought of it like that..you are right.in the last 6 months iv had some very good days and things have got better for me...i just have to try and remember these things..cheers mate

09-09-15, 12:25
Thanks Greg, I appreciate that mate.

Sometimes it can be useful to write them down so we can see how far we have come. It could be like in a project where you show it as milestones for things achieved or where we started doing something positive, or a storyboard, or just something with everything compiled on like a list or bunch of post it notes. Some people just prefer to journal and some blog or may use their threads. But I think it's a good idea to keep these achievements & milestones in mind and going back and reading an old thread would probably surprise you. I know a couple of people on here that have a long running thread that they talk on and they've both done some of that and couldn't believe how far they had come.

09-09-15, 14:42
Terry's right as usual Greg. My therapist told me to keep a note of all the things I achieved so I could look back on them. I bought a diary and I only put keywords in; it's not a long exercise. Things like "shops", "hairdresser" which are big things for me. If it was a bad day,I just put a B at the side.

The start of the diary was blank paper as I didn't begin until March, but looking back it's amazing how full the other pages are. Even on bad days I managed to "cook dinner" I'd really recommend you try it. It increases your self esteem no end.

09-09-15, 17:02
Thanks guys.i will start to write things down and reflect back on them when im feeling low.its easy to forget the good times after a while..i need to remember the good days and remember the bad days to compare things..ill start tonight.thanks

09-09-15, 20:26
Get a 2015/2016 academic diary from Card Factory for a quid x

09-09-15, 21:06
Thanks pepperpot.ill get one