View Full Version : Ibsd and agoraphobia have a wedding tomorrow!!

06-09-15, 10:05
I have agoraphobia and ibsd
I have a wedding tomorrow and the anticipatory anxiety is sky high.
I have already had 3x diarrheoa this morning
So I suppose that good news is I won't be rushing to the loo!
But the had news is my gut keeps the point me I need to!
I just feel physically washed out!

Then, I have the mental Constant negative chatter.
Theres a meal. I can't eat because I feel nauseated. Then diarrhoea.

What if I need to leave. Due to panic\agoraphobia.
Means someone will also have to leave to take me home.
Cos if I leave I will be a hysterical wreck because I know I will mentqlly fight to stay till I collapse in a mess.

I could just not go?
That way the others get to enjoy the wedding in n peace.
But I will have upset my family and friends...and myself!!

6 months ago I stopped taking Valium as i had developed tolerance withdrawal.
The doc gave me propanalol. But I don't think it will be enuf to get me through this.

I could take a rescue dose of Valium. But I have read that this is not effective after withdrawing

I am at my witts end!!

06-09-15, 10:18
Hi Have you ever tried any of the herbal stuff for ibsd? my Fiancée has ibsd and manages it with some herbal stuff (i will find you the name of it)

Why dont you ask if you could just go to the ceremony then go home and have a break then maybe pop back later? skipping the meal aspect completely?
Just a thought.

I hope you find a solution you can manage

Jinxy x

06-09-15, 10:23
Is it the actual thought of going that's making you worse? X

06-09-15, 10:40
The venue is over 30 miles away. Too far to return home.
I will be far too anxious to drive myself. And wouldn't feel safe on the roads

I know the answer might be not to eat or just eat a banana.
It's a long day not to eat and I don't want to have low blood sugar.
I do usually have a banana in my bag.

I have many worries, but I think actually going and staying is my biggest.
Not ruining the day for everyone else.
It seems easier just not to go.
But then that's how agoraphobia builds up in the first place

Thanks for your replies

06-09-15, 10:57
I have a big do today, I have been nervous about it for days. I didn't sleep last night. But I am determined to go. As soon as you start thinking shall I go? Or not? That makes you more anxious. So, my plan is to go and if I feel really panicky I'll just go to the loo or somewhere quiet until I calm down and then return to the do.
Would this be a good plan for you too? X

06-09-15, 13:41
Yes, I will take propanalol,
I will do my deep breathing, distraction etc
But sometimes, I just get overwhelmed and need an escape route.
On this occasion I don't have one, which is increasing my anxiety.
Fingers crossed xx

08-09-15, 01:13
Well, got to wedding. Took imodium, paracetamol and 20mg propanalol!!
Meal was a disaster. I just could not face food.
Had to keep explaining to guests at my table. I had a 'stomach upset' as a reason for not eating!
But it was soooo embarrassing.
Sitting at that table for over one hour with people trying to cogoule me into 'Trying to have a week bite"
I did try but my gut went into painfully cramps and sweating.

In the end I left the function at 9pm. I didn't 'flight' . I just decided I'd had enuf. My body was frustrating me. I was soooo miserable. So just left.

08-09-15, 15:33
Hi Dally

As a new user and browsing the boards for the first time, I can sympathise exactly how you felt. I am very similar.

Hopefully better days are not too far away x