View Full Version : Liver worries

07-09-15, 02:28
Hello. New poster here but an occasional reader.

I have health anxiety and it often cripples me. Last year I had multiple blood tests that have shown nothing but I had an abdominal ultrasound that showed that I have what my doctor calls a mild fatty liver. Even though it is mild, it causes me a lot of pain and discomfort. He told me I just need to lose weight which I am trying. Now I am panicking again. I am still having the pains and I swear my skin is turning yellow. I always have cancer fears and it freaks me out. I would love some reassurance. I don't want to run to the doctor about it...though I feel like I might have too just for reassurance and to make sure I am ok.

07-09-15, 09:16
Mild fatty liver disease would not cause you any pain. Most people who are overweight will eventually have this in some way but until its very advanced it does not cause any symptoms or so my Dr told me as I have a very tiny patch of this on my liver. I have since lost 2stones and counting. He said the result was of no significance and modern scanning is picking up this now when it is tiny whereas years ago it was just not visible on scans.

If your liver function blood test is normal then your liver is functioning perfectly and fatty liver disease would not affect these results unless it was severe.

IF you were genuinly turning yellow then people around you would be commenting on your deep tan or yellow eyeballs, I am guessing that you are seeing in the whites of your eyes what almost eveyrone has which is a very slight creamy/yellow tinge round the edges??

Have you discussed your fears with your Dr as I am sure he can explain and put your mind at rest and possibly look into what might be causing your pain.

07-09-15, 10:24
Just to echo what CountryGirl says- fatty liver wouldn't cause any symptoms. If you're in a lot of pain then it would be a good idea to check in with your GP to see if it's anything else causing you so much discomfort.

Can I ask why you had an abdominal ultrasound?

07-09-15, 20:34
I was having pain for a while and I had doctors tell me that it was either my muscle or my stomach...it's neither. It hurts when I cake a tylenol for my headache or if I eat bad food. Lately it doesn't matter. I'm usually a pinkish tone but I look at it and I look discoloured. I know others who have fatty liver and feel the pain. (I can also feel when I am ovulating and when I have an ovarian cyst, that is how sensitive my body is. Even right away I knew I was pregnant with my daughter). So I feel like something is wrong. I hope to go to the clinic tomorrow and see if they will address my fears. Yes last year I had a normal liver function results and in the US showed mild fatty liver and I was told to lose weight, unfortunately I have only gained it due to being stuck inside all winter and all summer due to headaches and migraines that I get almost daily.

---------- Post added at 19:34 ---------- Previous post was at 19:32 ----------


I had the abdominal ultrasound because of the pain I was in. My doctor sent me for blood work and the ultrasound to check everything. That is when I was told it was just mild fatty liver and to lose weight. My doctor isn't that great to be honest...he's really old and when I went to him last month about my bladder prolapse..he didn't even examine me, just prescribed me laxatives for my constipation saying I most likely had a rectum prolapse and it was caused by the constipation.

08-09-15, 23:56
Another update. I went to the urgent care and my blood test results were good. I am going for an ultrasound tomorrow morning to see if it is possibly gallstones.

09-09-15, 05:35
good information

09-09-15, 17:53
Now I'm just waiting for results. I'm freaked out because they did the abdominal ultrasound and she went down to my pelvic and said "I want to do a vaginal ultrasound if that is ok?" I said ok. She said she might have seen a ovarian cyst. I'm already freaking out about the abdominal ultrasound results. My anxiety is so bad!

---------- Post added at 16:53 ---------- Previous post was at 16:03 ----------

Good News! Everything was good, still a fatty liver, but other than that, I am ok. But they did find a 4cm cyst on my ovary