View Full Version : job interview

07-09-15, 07:12
I have been so anxious about this job interview I have this morning, ive woken up and was actually sick. I keep saying if I dont get the job it doesnt matter :-/ hasnt helped, my anxiety sumptoms have been so horrible, think I feel better once its done

07-09-15, 08:53
Good luck with your interview, fluff. :hugs:

Anticipation is a real pain with these disorders. The weird thing is, I've had weeks of worrying about something like the dentist or works meeting to then find the worry reduces on the day or maybe a day before. It's like you want it over.

Take your time. If you need to ask them to repeat a question or explain it, do it, they expect they may need to do that. They are used to people being nervous at interviews so if you need a moment to compose yourself, they will understand. And once it's done, it's done - don't reply things obsessively but instead go out and treat yourself to something or relax or do something you enjoy.

07-09-15, 09:02
I just got myself a new job and had a very difficult interview where I had to stand up and give a presentation for 20 minutes.My anxiety half an hour before went through the roof but once I was into it I felt calm and relaxed.Try some deep breathing exercises before you go in and think positive,
You have nothing to loose,good luck you will be fine

07-09-15, 09:43
Good luck with the interview fluff

07-09-15, 21:13
Good luck, hope it goes well! Think of this as a positive challenge whether you get the job or not.

09-09-15, 17:15
Welldone mr andy thats great news :-)
I got the job thankyou guys for all the good lucks xx

09-09-15, 20:25
Well done (and you too MrAndy)

09-09-15, 20:57
Ahaaa, well done, congrats x

10-09-15, 16:16
Welldone mr andy thats great news :-)
I got the job thankyou guys for all the good lucks xx
very well done ,thats great news :)

10-09-15, 22:02
Congratulations on getting the job! :yesyes:

11-09-15, 05:58
Well done, fluff!!! :yesyes::yahoo: