View Full Version : Is this mostly just stress that is causing this pain?

07-09-15, 08:53
Hi everyone. The last few days have been particularly stressful. On Friday I witnessed an animal get run over just a second after I.managed to avoid it and I'm am.avid animal lover so took it very bad and then on Saturday my mum went down to England for a week and I had to watch her cats for her. I brought my cats over and planned to keep them upstairs and her cats downstairs but mine wouldn't settle and I brought them back up to my flat and my bf watched them and I stayed at my mum's with her cats. This was my first night staying alone in over 4 years and as I said I have anxiety problems so it was quite a big deal.

I came back to my flat last night to stay over and I'm just about to go back and see the cats. I felt so awkward in my own flat after only being away for a night. My anxiety was sky high and I felt so guilty about not being with my mum's cats and then not being with my own and then I have bills I am really worried about too.

The chest pain I had was localised to one little spot and if I pressed it, the pain would get worse for a few mins. It didn't hurt to breath, it just hurted randomly and was worse when lying down. My back was soooo tense. My partner tried to give me a back massage last night and I yelped as soon as he touch my shoulders because it all hurt so much and then this morning I woke up with a terrible headache coming from my neck which thankfully ibuprofen managed to take away. I've been up since that headache so only got about 2/3 hours sleep.

Then an hour ago I was lying in bed on my phone and suddenly when I breathed in I got this kind of sharp electric shock like pain in my side and went all around my back. It only lasted a second or two. It came back once more after that but not as strong and then I took a panic attack and it came back again vaguely but only on the one side this time, the left side.

My chest isn't as tender today and my breathing is fine. I'm just wondering whether I should go to the doctor or not? I'm currently awaiting therapy for my anxiety. Usually its ok most of the time but the last few days have been stressful and I've barely ate or slept. All I can think is I have a blood clot in my lung or heart problems though my bf said its just from stress and all the lifting I done when I was moving my cats and it most likely is but its so hard to tell my mind that.

I'm sorry, I just had to get this off my chest. Usually I would talk to my mum but she is on holiday and I don't want to burden her.

09-09-15, 11:02
I'm sorry you're having a stressful time. I can totally understand why you'd be feeling all that. Having animals myself I can relate to the feelings of responsibility for their happiness and wellbeing and guilt when you feel you're not doing the very best for them.

As for the pain it certainly sounds anxiety related! I've had similar pains due to all the tension

Hope things get better

09-09-15, 19:49
Yeah I agree, I think it definitely was stress that caused this. I am feeling a lot less stressed now and most of the pain is gone. I still get some niggly pains here and there but nowhere near as bad as the other day. I still feel quite physically and mentally worn out but that might take a few days to snap out of. I have a long lie tomorrow as I am staying at my mum's tonight and my bf is staying with our cats so don't have to worry about getting a lift over early to see the kittens. A long nights sleep is probably what I need. Mum comes back on Friday so the hard work is pretty much done now.