View Full Version : Absolutely terrified that I have pulmonary hypertension!

07-09-15, 11:08
I am in full on panic mode! I'm Trying to tell myself that I don't and that it is anxiety related but the near constant chest pain, tightness and breathlnessness I've been experiencing since the weekend is convincing me otherwise.
I'm trying to focus on how at the very last day of last year, I had chest x Rays, echocardiograms and ECG's for an unrelated issue, and how nothing was detected then, but I keep thinking that maybe such a thing can develop in only half a year:scared15:
I just really hate what's going on with me at the moment, and I really need some help.
Regards, Peterthegreatworrier.

07-09-15, 11:46
Don't forget that your symptoms are very very common anxiety ones as well.
I know someone with pulmonary hypertension and she had constant severe breathlessness, it did not come and go and stopped her walking much. Initially she had alot of heart tests and when they were fine they moved to her lungs. This was quite a few years ago and she is still alive and kicking - it hasn't worsened thankfully although she is aware of the future.
I remember years ago having a feeling as if I could not breathe and it was so bad one day the Dr came to see me, he knew of my health anxiety and he asked me to run up and down the stairs twice and then he would listen to my chest. Guess what i could do it!

07-09-15, 23:25
Thanks, countrygirl. I'm having an appointment after school today, so I'll try not to worry until then! I'm Feeling a little better today, so I think I'm keeping my hopes up. :welcome: