View Full Version : Hello, my names Adam and I suffer from anxiety and depression.

07-09-15, 19:43
Hello all,

I thought I would give this forum a try.

I have suffered from anxiety and depressions for over half my life and recently it has gotten a lot worse to the point of drinking alcohol to help (Which it does not).

I have not long been released from the hospital where I drank ontop of my medication and was really really ill.

I am currently on 150mg of sertraline, 10mg propanolol , and zopiclone 3.75mg to help sleep if needed.

I feel this is not doing the trick , so would be nice to communicate with other people alike and share experiences.

Hope to hear from any of you soon.


Adam :yesyes:

07-09-15, 19:47
Hi and welcome to NMP :)

07-09-15, 19:50
Hiya adam9575 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

07-09-15, 19:51
Thank you for the warm welcome. I will head over and check them out now.


07-09-15, 21:23
Hi Adam, I too have been suffering from anxiety and depression and other issues for over half my life, it can be very hard to deal with. I recently joined too and I am going to be visiting the doctor sometime this week and hopefully getting on some medication so I can start to move forward.

Try not to drink to numb your anxiety it often comes back much worse as you probably know.
Best way for us is to change lifestyle like more excercise, healthy eating and good hobbies to distract us when things are really tough. I started practicing mindfulness which helps with anxiety so far and a bit for depression too. I used to smoke cannabis and stopped as just like alcohol it seems to mask issues but really doesn't help anything in the long run, I think cannabis could have made my anxiety worse actually.

anyway take care and see you on the forums,


07-09-15, 22:07
Hey Surfing!

What medication are you currently prescribed?

I am not drinking any more, does not work! Makes me so much worse!


07-09-15, 22:59
Hi Adam, I used to take seroxat for around 5years then went off it had a terrible episode and jumped on to effexor. After that I stopped again and never took any tablets for 8 yrs. Now my anxiety and depression is really spiking so this time I will stay on the meds as long as the doctor let's me. Will try to get back on effexor. It does have some harsh withdrawals but I will deal with that if I ever come off then again.

I know when I have a drink now I can get more depressed and the next morning I get bad panic attacks uncontrollable anxiety to the extreme so I rarely drink any more. Used to quite a bit in my late teens early 20s

07-09-15, 23:37
Yeah drinking has to stop for me.
The mornings are the worst for me too, like a train of emotions rides straight through me and it all comes back a lot worse.

The crisis team from the hospital last night are going to push my doctor to prescribe me diazapam ( however you spell it).

How are you coping these days with your anxiety etc?



08-09-15, 02:24
I've tried diazepam before it worked well for a few days. . I took it wheni had major panic attacks it brought me down a lot. I don't think they prescribe that for longer than a month or so but I might be wrong..

Im taking 5htp right now, 100mg a day but it doesn't do very much. Maybe take the edge off anxiety slightly but I get really weird dreams every night from it and wake up really restless with 5 thoughts at once going thru my head too fast to even concentrate on its bizzare.

My anxiety is all about stuff like social settings meeting people having no confidence and stuff I've got going on in the future like can I find a job, will I be able tostick this one out if I get one, got my babies christening coming up I feel bad that I can't look forward to it im dreading it. Want to be a good dad but full of doubt at the same time. . Every morning is horendous. Thumping heart and feeling sick. Been this way for a long time .

