View Full Version : Throat sensation is now starting to really unnerve me

07-09-15, 20:51
Hi all.
2 months ago, when I first had a panic attack, I was gripped by the "closing throat sensation" where it felt like I couldn't breathe, and I ended up in hospital a few times with it. Anyway, it was not there all of the time, but odd times it was, and I could feel the lump in my throat.
Anyway, recently, it seems to have gotten worse. It is there 24/7 but it feels different. It feels like I need to clear my throat all of the time as it's like something is stuck there - in the past it would vanish when I ate or drank, but now (prob past 3 weeks) it feels like the food and drink are actually getting stuck, and I also experience a lot of food/drink going down the wrong way, then I choke. Also, today, I feel lightheaded and dizzy (not in a way I have felt before), and my vision feels like it is blurred. Thing is I don't feel anxious. :(

07-09-15, 23:55

Had the same 4 years ago , lump in throat and the feeling of food getting stuck .

I googled and crapped my pants for months .

You dont have to feel anxious to get it IMHO , if you are waiting for the feeling of food getting stuck / hitting the back of your throat you notice it .

It was anxiety causing it for me , i still get the feeling now and again but i know what it is so ignore it and it goes .

08-09-15, 06:53
Hi Pepperpot,

Are you having some issues with mucus? Excess mucus or things like post nasal drip can make you clear your throat a lot. Maybe given this time of year it could be allergies such as hayfever?

08-09-15, 10:12
Hi Pepperpot, I've had similar. It was anxiety for me too. I know that you said that you don't feel anxious, but could you be subconsciously a little anxious or stressed and that's what's causing it?

08-09-15, 13:09
I don't know if it is mucus? I know this sounds daft ,but how will I know? I don't think it is - I haven't coughed anything up x

08-09-15, 16:12
Hi Pepperpot I get the same thing when I'm really anxious. Swallowing becomes hard. I have to force myself to eat and I have to gulp things down.

You say you aren't anxious at the moment, but you are concerned enough to have written this thread. I think there must be anxiety there somewhere. :hugs:

08-09-15, 21:23
Lol - I am anxious I suppose but no more than normal is what I mean. It is weird this, cos normally when I have ever been anxious in the past I get a sick feeling and it feels like normal (I am waffling now). This lump thing is all the bloody time. I wake up it's there. I am sitting giggling with my kids - it's there. Aghhhhhhh.

09-09-15, 04:41
I have asthma so excess mucus comes with it as it's part of the reaction to inflammation. People with allergies, like hayfever, experience something similiar but more in their nose/throats.

You don't need to cough anything up, I never have other than when I have an infection. It's just more that something is at the back of my throat so I need to clear it. Carnation told me her partner has asthma too but doesn't have this though so it could be something like post nasal drip that has been causing me issues all this time.

The way I would describe throat mucus is like when you sniff and feel some movement.

Anxiety is all about inflammation too. Maybe that is a cause of excess mucus? Not sure on that one but if it is, there are things you can take to see if it helps with that.

09-09-15, 08:16
good information

blue moon
09-09-15, 08:45
Hi,what is the weather like in Oman:winks:

10-09-15, 16:34
Oh yeah I forgot to mention, I also cannot touch my neck without it feeling like my throat is closing. Wtf!!

15-09-15, 07:22
Really interesting post - I have a lot of these throat issues myself. ENT did a camera down there about a year ago and tole me it was irritation caused by reflux or post-nasal drip. It comes and goes still, though definitely more so when I am anxious. Of course I still always automatically assume its the first sign of impending death :-)

15-09-15, 08:20
I asked the doc yesterday but she didn't seem to be concerned. I think I would be scared for a camera down my throat :(

16-09-15, 19:58
Hey, I get this a lot too. One of many symptoms I get. It's part and parcel of health anxiety.

Mostly feels like it's only on one side - the right side of my throat feels like something is stuck there. I get a lot of mucus and put this all down to post nasal drip and mild allergies.

You're not alone in what you experience, and certainly worrying about it will make it worse. It's probably a small issue with acid reflux or post nasal drip that is being made way worse by fixating on it. Try to ignore it as best you can, drink more fluids and maybe take an antacid or allergy medicine? Clean out your sinuses? Most likely a very simple and non-scary reason for this!

16-09-15, 20:22
I have your problem too Pepperpot. It has arrived in the last few days for me.
It feels like something is stuck in my throat, I cough and nothing comes up and then I start choking and panicking and getting in to a right ole state!
It's also very scary.
Now, I do suffer with my sinuses and acid reflux, so I don't know if this has something to do with it? :shrug:

16-09-15, 21:55
Well my sinus issues and acid reflux seems to have vanished?x

16-09-15, 23:44
Wow! That is good news. :)

17-09-15, 06:54
It's mad isn't it how we seem to have things that are so transient. I had a flare up of IBS last year and then it went. It's not like I've adjusted my eating habits much so I thought it would be an ongoing problem, but nope!

Glad at least those things have gone for you, Pepperpot.

17-09-15, 18:55
Try to do some neck stretches. It could be just right muscles. I get that feeling to and if I sit in a chair and grab the seat and lean my head the opposite way it helps. Google some neck stretches there are a few different ones. Wouldn't hurt to try right? Also try something cold like ice cream or ice water might just take your mind of it